Bridgette Berry

HAPPY THANKSGIVING--Revised by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

HAHAHAHAHA, I got rid of the evil typo!

pastes previous description

Argh.. I was pressed for time, hence the suckiness of the background.. but I wanted to get it done before Thanksgiving was over, and you can bet I wouldn't have enough time to work on it while my family is here. =P

I rushed through it.. I can hardly tell what's happening, and I drew the stinkin' thing. In case you didn't catch it, Zim and Dib are handing explosive-type thingies to one another. ;P


Be thankful you're not the turkey.

Finished Work
21y217d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 28 November, 2002 @ 11:24 AM


Posted: Thursday, 28 November, 2002 @ 04:37 PM

Oh, if there were a IZ Thanksgiving episode, this is exactly what'd happen if they were to flash back to the 1600s XD Fantastic job! Looks Vasquez like! :D

Posted: Friday, 29 November, 2002 @ 03:05 AM

Yee! So cute! You got Dib and Zim's characters to really show in this pic... So cute! We don't have thanksgiving here in Australia (Frownfrownfrown), which is a shame, 'cause I LOVE turkey! Gobblegobble! And... and... that background ISN'T crappy! It looks just like the backdrops in Pocahontas (-.-;; The only movie I've seen with anything American pre-'civilization' days).

Zim's hairdoo is the bomb.. ^^

Posted: Friday, 29 November, 2002 @ 10:25 AM

I'm from britain so I don't have celebrate thanksgiving as you know (poopy poo!) but I have to say this is highly amusing! That poor turkey... Nicely done Bridgette. ^^

Posted: Monday, 02 December, 2002 @ 01:47 PM

Ha! I love it! ^.^ Very very funny and of course well drawn. Heheh, I like Zim's hairstyle. 'Tis appropriate to cast him as the pilgrim and Dib as the Native American, too, on account of Zim's Invader status. ^_^ Great pic!

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