Julie Ottosen

still thinking...
still thinking... by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

heh. Well, picture finished. The bg is boring and junk, but I couldn't really think of anything for a bg and really didn't want to spend a whole lot of time on it, so I just put in something plain. Here's the end though.. viola. Fixed and ready to print. PRINT!!! lol. Anyways.. yeah.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y113d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (17)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 04:31 PM

wow this is really good the eyes looks so good i luff this I wanna rp wit you SO badly but i don't have MSN messenger. oh well it looks so good is jealous picks up a pencil and draws her lupes I wanna scanner!!! yeah so i like this one alot very good. where is he?

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 05:13 PM

Thank you. Um.. I dunno where he is exactly... that's why I don't have much of a bg on there.. just pretend he's somewhere in the city.. I dunno where.. lol. Could be on a roof for all I know.. shrugs

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 05:54 PM

aiyyyyyyye!!!!! he's still pretty! =^-^= cackles and saves with the rest of her Ethan piccies in her folder titled 'Ethan' =3 drools and klings to leg draw more Ethy piccies Julie-chan xD; i already haff 27 saved in the folder xD'

rapes and dashes off

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 06:08 PM

LMAO!!!! You're soooo funny Kara!! LOL!! 'Choo rapin meh boy for? XD;; lol!

Dun worry, mesa loves drawing Ethan. He's a fun char to draw, so diverse and stuff... lol. (Yeah, I'm an intellectual.. =B)


Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 07:47 PM

^^ Ethan is such a hottie ^^ is jealous of her own lupess Stupid Jenna XD are you sure you didnt change the holster again? you seemed to do that alot XD

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 08:10 PM

Yes, I changed it again. I made it a little thicker and more like leather some and something or other.. so yes, it is changed. lol. Glad ye like. ^^ Be one of my fave piccy's

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 07:59 PM

I like the stone or whatever hes sitting on.. very good. The shading seems a bit diffrent to me.. shrug... He's so hot.. drools

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 08:44 PM

yeah, the shading is different a little bit.. tiny bit. lol. XD;; I had tried a little something, but it's not that big o' difference. It's hard to change you're coloring style...

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 08:17 PM

Finished pics always look the best. Its really good. I like what hes sittin on...its a block....ookay n/m.

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 08:25 PM

Eeee! I like the shine on his boots and the gleam of his earing(s?). The picture looks even better colored =D The lips do look a little feminine, but it really doesn't matter. Probably not worth the time to go and polish unless it really matters to you. Spiffy picture!!

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 08:51 PM

It dun matter to me.. I meant to make it like that.. and it's not like his lips are pink. lol. XD;; Unless it bothers like tons of others of ppl, then I'm not touchin' it. XP lol.

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 08:29 PM

OOOOO! I love the picture, Julie! You don't know me and all, and I don't expect you too, but I've been admiring your work for quite some time now. I must say you are an extremely talented artist and... ((I think I remembering you saying this once)) I hope you can get to draw for Disney one of these days! I'd so watch the movie with your illustrations, over and over. Lol Anyway, this picture of him is great! I think my favorites are the bust picture you did of him, the picture where some... guy beat him up ((He's doubled over from broken ribs and the like, bleeding from the mouth, you know the one lol)) and now this one, are my favorites! Can't say I'm too fond of the pictures depicting him and some girl attached at the mouth because... well, I'm jealous! Lol! I think my other favorite character of yours is Sony! I've been keeping an eye out for him but haven't seen him for a while :( Sighs dreamily Alas... maybe some day. Lol Anywho I'm just carrying on about nothing in particular now. Probably spamming the boards and what not, but I guess the point was to tell you that your art work is excellent and adored by many!! Keep up the good work! Ps- Ever wonder what Julie's drawings were like when she was 5? Lol! That's a cute thought! ^_^

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 08:47 PM

Why, thankee very much. I appreciate it. ^^;; It would be fun to make a cartoon or something I think... heh. Guess we'll see one day. Still wana get my comic done... needs some work though... Anyways.. yeah, I likey this piccy. One of my faves too. hehe. I can't be jealous of him when he's w/ a girl.. he's my char! lol. It's like.. my son.. >>;; (though.. he's older than me.. lol! koff) Anyways.. you think you'd like to see some piccy's when I was younger? Now that's a scary thought. XD;;; I had been considering uploading old pictures I've drawn, so ya'll can see how much I've evolved... we'll see.. we'll see.

Thanx for commenting. ^^;

Posted: Friday, 28 February, 2003 @ 08:13 AM

aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! basks in glory of julies work hehe, he is so nice and sitting on a block grins i lobe his boots and his holsters and his eyes are scrummy too, i love the detail you put into your work, it shows that you care bout what your art ^^

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 07:52 AM

I really love this one ... but , don't you think his tail is a little to high ?? don't get mad at me :D but this is verry kewl

Posted: Saturday, 15 March, 2003 @ 10:01 PM


Posted: Monday, 17 March, 2003 @ 05:38 PM

Sparkel sparkel! ^_^ I like this piccy! He looks vedy thoughtful... Hmmm.... What do he be thinkin bout...? There are SO many things wrong with that sentance! lol! Anywho, I like how this one turned out! Its fun to watch the progress!

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