Megan Casey

Gliding Crow Sketch
Gliding Crow Sketch by @paradox (Megan Casey)

This is going to be left as is...I like it like this. I really hate the paper I did it on, but I liked the look it gave it in the end, rather than lined or clean white paper... Done while sitting outside the gym one saturday...I dunno why, I just walked up there, and sat, I coloured and sketched...the gym is right between the High school and Junior high, I was sitting face the High school, and there are a lot of crows around there when there's no one there...I got a lot of good sketching ops...It took me three crows to get this one right, gliding back and forth in front of me...the tail's still a little messed up though -_- Artwork © Copyright 2002 Megan Casey

22y60d ago
Other Work By @paradox

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