Julie Ottosen

For Kara and Agenza
For Kara and Agenza by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

koff This is for Kara and Laura, my Ethan obsessed fans. XD Fhaux is on the left, and Jenna is on the right. They both like to fool around with Ethan... lol!! (not that he minds) so I thought this picture was appropriate. XD Hope you like it you two. ^_~

Ethan © ME!! =Þ Fhaux © Kara Salpeter Jenna © Laura Blackbeard

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
21y171d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (25)

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Posted: Tuesday, 31 December, 2002 @ 03:42 PM

Lol XD Ethan looks very smug! ^^

Posted: Tuesday, 31 December, 2002 @ 03:47 PM

XD!!!! I love it. Great image title.

Posted: Tuesday, 31 December, 2002 @ 04:01 PM

OMG!! horgles Jenna, Julie and the pic AWSOME!! those 2 do like to have fun!! koff koff with Ethan koffGoot piccy ah luffle it runs off to draw for julie u make jenna look so perrrrty!!

Posted: Tuesday, 31 December, 2002 @ 04:28 PM

LE GASP PRRRRRRREEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTY!!!!!!!!!! horgles Ethan and shoves Fhaux and Jenna outta the way =^-^= purrs and pets

So pretty Julie-Chan! A luffle yew!! xD They look quite comfy, no? x)

Posted: Tuesday, 31 December, 2002 @ 05:42 PM

You and Laura crack me up!! giggles I'm glad you likes the picture for sure. ^^ hehe.

Posted: Tuesday, 31 December, 2002 @ 05:30 PM

oooohhhh...cute!but i have 1 problem........whos kara and agenza?and isnt ethan dating jade?hmm.....i have something to ponder...hmm...lol...anyway...great pic!love it so much!

Posted: Tuesday, 31 December, 2002 @ 05:36 PM

Kara and Agenza are two of my neofriends who I also rp w/ who I have rped Ethan w/ their characters. (the lupess' in the picture). No, Ethan is not "dating" Jade. Ethan would be hard to 'rope'- though he's enjoying his time w/ Jade, he's not dating her.

Posted: Tuesday, 31 December, 2002 @ 06:28 PM

-squeal- Luckeh girlehs. -pokes Ethan- I luffle this pic , yes I do , much. Alot. Veray cyoot. -nod- Luffle all yer stuff , but , -cackle- this one...is just..luffly

Posted: Wednesday, 01 January, 2003 @ 12:57 AM

I was reading some other comments on another piccy, and it said to point ou something that looked wrong, so dont get mad, im not flaming. I just think that Jenna (the one on the right) seems to have too long of a thigh. it might just be me, bu i wanted to point it out. I think this pic is amazing though, love the ethan pics ;)

Posted: Wednesday, 01 January, 2003 @ 08:08 AM

coffpokes Ethan=^-^=Dis piccy issh so puuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddddyyyyyyyyfffffffffffuuuuuuuuullll!!steal da picmai pic!(not really)

Posted: Wednesday, 01 January, 2003 @ 11:06 AM

Of course everyone knows that everyone is gonna say wow. so lets try something different for me ....COOOLIO..i think that works well i like everything on the pic but i think the girl on the left needs some work i just think there something funny about her no offence of course just trying to help out :D

Posted: Wednesday, 01 January, 2003 @ 01:41 PM

Ethan...-drools a river- MINE! ALL MINE!! -dumps water on the two gurls heads and glomps Ethan to death- Can I bwe one of yur pets =^^= -purs- Pwease -clings to Ethan- Oasis can I have him!^^ Please, I'll take VERY gooooood care of him :] Mwehehehehehehehe!

Brain:oO;; Someone put a leash on Elf....XD

Ethan: -ish clinged to- Uh....oO;;;;;; Can someone get... -trys to uncling Elf- her...OFF!

Elf:-ish unclingable- =^^= -purs happily-

((To Oasis)) -koffkoff- well anyway...This ish a GREAT piccy^^ Like ALL yur others X3 But I have a question...Why does it show half of his arms/hands in his pockets...and then the other half of his arms...get cut off by his jacket oO;; Oh well I luff him anyways^^

Posted: Wednesday, 01 January, 2003 @ 10:57 PM

oh.. hehe, I didn't notice that. His right hand is suppose to be in his pocket as well, but I guess the angle makes it look like it's cut off. My bad. shrug

Posted: Wednesday, 01 January, 2003 @ 02:37 PM
Jackal: Yeppers, we dun know anyone but, you and your friends who actually seriously anthro rp!
(note from person writing:Lurve your piccies!and meh character Luna is EXACTLEY like Ethan!lol she's a heartbreaker she's going out with like 4 guys right now...lol,Jackal is well just mysterious....Aya,is freakishly mysterious and creey cause she talks in riddles,Haze is a computer flirt,Keith is just a guy flirt,Storm is lonely and doesn't like to be with other people very much...)
Luna: Hiya!I really lurve your artwork!^_^ I would like to know if you would like to Anthro rp sometime?
Posted: Thursday, 02 January, 2003 @ 01:05 PM

hehe, groupies! dish ish kewlies julie, ethan is so hot its unfair, humans arnt supposed to fall in love wit anthros!!!!! im sorry but i haff to agree wit nobodysfool, jennas thighs r too long, and her bum looks teeny compared to em. apart from that, great pic ^-^

Posted: Thursday, 02 January, 2003 @ 05:27 PM

Grrrr... Fhaux looks just about ready to do anything she can to get Jenna the heck away.. Me likes this piccy! ^-^

Posted: Friday, 03 January, 2003 @ 04:26 PM

LOL!!! like my email addie?? LOL!!! anyway, LOVE the piccy, hehehe and since I know what had happened with both... LOL!!!! 'cause doesn't it look like Fhuax is going for Ethans gun in the shoulder holster? =D and yeah... it looks like Fhuax's got a really big butt and a iddy-bitty waist that's kinda... bend at an odd angle... As for the Ethan hands disappearing, you could maybe put a "lump" where the left hand would be showing more that it's in the pocket... honestly, at first glance, I though Ethan's right hand was around Flaux grabbing her butt or something... wink

Posted: Friday, 03 January, 2003 @ 07:51 PM

XD cool! lol!

Posted: Saturday, 04 January, 2003 @ 07:58 AM

Koff Mesa Want ETHAN - La Cute Ethán - Heh. Love the Pose(S). X) Eep. Ethan Rawks! -Mafia-

Posted: Monday, 06 January, 2003 @ 07:02 PM

the girl on the rights butt looks weird o.o

other than that this is cool.

Posted: Friday, 17 January, 2003 @ 11:40 PM

Ethan!Yipee!This is a vary,vary good one!!!Ethan looks for relaxed,and Fhaux and Jenna look like they are just trying to get Ethan's attention for than the other.Heh.Good idea! P.S.-The tails on this one are great!

Posted: Friday, 17 January, 2003 @ 11:40 PM

Ethan!Yipee!This is a vary,vary good one!!!Ethan looks for relaxed,and Fhaux and Jenna look like they are just trying to get Ethan's attention for than the other.Heh.Good idea! P.S.-The tails on this one are great!

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 04:25 PM

Did I comment on this one yet? koff

Anyway, Ethan is like...SO hot... drools kicks Fhaux and Jenna outta the way hugs ethan MWUAHAHA!!

Heres a suggestion you could have done: You should have drawn his hands on they're waist.. you know what I mean? one on Fhaux's waist and the other on Jenna.. it would look cool. ^^

Posted: Friday, 25 April, 2003 @ 10:09 PM

very nice, but fhaux is waaaayy to skinny on her stomach.. even for herself.. and their calfs seem very long.. I think their knees are too low, but agenzas torso and ethan overall are done really good..

Posted: Saturday, 20 December, 2003 @ 05:37 PM

OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! How I wish I could be one of those girls!

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