El Thorvaldo Moderator

Who Is the Clone Guild?
Who Is the Clone Guild? by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 29th submission to DYOS X.ii. [link]

Created largely as a Kamino expy by e350tb, due to his tardy update schedule the Clone Guild was never really explained in depth. With taillesskangaru's introduction of Colonel Sykes, its importance to the plot expanded tenfold, and in lieu of "official" pronouncement I decided a profile was in order.

I thought it would be an interesting, not to mention logical twist that Coruscant's domestic policy spurred the growth of this black market monopoly. The most important fact I tried to communicate was that anyone that tried to tussle with the Guild on its own turf would be provoking all its customers. One could argue that its failure in the Gem War led patron confidence to plummet and its commercial strength to collapse as a result, but I still think hitching it to Umbrella in DYOS XI was a cheap shot.

The Clone Guild and General Valorum © e350tb.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt January 2014.]

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