Julie Ottosen

hehe by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

I had to reupload.. I forgot the color of his tail.. voops!!!

I colored him! I had 3 pics open all at once to color. This being one. I'm insane trying to color 3 all at once! lol. I'm on a roll!! [got any butter?] hehe Tis Oz.. colored, in case you can't read on his pic. =P Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y79d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (11)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 10:21 PM

It's cute... -isn't feeling good, looks for something sharp- I like his tounge... It's very nice, good job as always. -walks away-

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 10:30 PM
Eve: fine... ~sighs and sits letting Sol drool and purr over Oz~
Sol: well at least I didn't jump him again....
Soleil: WOW!!! he's so HOT!!!!! *runs over to Oz and batts her eyelashs up at him coyly* Hello Oz...

so yes.... hehhee tis a wonderful piccy ^^ he looks oh so.... mischevious and studdly wink hehehe so yeah... great job ^^ and WOW 3 piccys!!! hands you a gallon of budda hehehe

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 12:10 AM

merph.. what's budda? Lol. XB;

-Oz blinks again, looking down at Fey and looking up at Julie for explination- "Towel please?" -XD-

hehe. ^^;

Maybe we should rp them sometime.. that'd be funny eh? lol. So many rps you and me do, I think we're nuts you know? lol.

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 11:20 PM

AWWW!!!! huggles him to peices He SO cute!!! ^^ I LOVE him!!! The colors all go VERY well together!!! NICE job! ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 02 April, 2003 @ 01:38 AM

this i smint julsie-really good, hehe he luks so cheeky! i luffle the colouring on this and his earrings and markings are the best!

Posted: Wednesday, 02 April, 2003 @ 06:46 PM

wow, he looks awesome all colored like that, a real man! lol,

Do you have a good idea of his carather? * by that I meen, how he is in the inside, his reaction to stuff and all *

By the way, You color your pics with great talent! (^_^)

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 12:06 AM

heh, a little. I've only rped him a tiny bit... so yeah. He's kinda a cheeky guy who likes to have fun but can be moody sometimes. But he has some of the sweetness like his father.. (as his boys all seem to have) but he hasn't had the chance to be really sweet to anyone... aww.. lol. ^^;

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 08:13 PM

Aye julie,looks great!Oh,and its me Sahrafox,but latley ive been on Tinged_tinger,i had a striped p/b and i didnt know if you had one for tinello or not,but i was hacked and dun have it anymore,but when i did have i couldnt figure out were to neomail you cause you have sooo many accounts :PBut anyway sorry for taking up your time,and i would still like to rp with you.

Posted: Saturday, 05 April, 2003 @ 11:14 PM

O__O Wow! This is one of my favorites of yours, iss amaaazingly well drawn and colored. ^^ Four paws up.

Posted: Saturday, 12 April, 2003 @ 08:32 PM

Aww, Oz is uber cute! ^^ I love his look, and his personality, heh. The pic looks awesome, o course Huggles Oz Aww... hehe.. Keep up the great work =D

Posted: Thursday, 03 July, 2003 @ 10:02 AM

kandi: one word, HANDSOME! cowgirl4572: You already have a bf! kandi: But rockyxv doesn't have earrings! cowgirl4572: Great job julie! as always! u done it again!

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