Megan Casey

Mystery Deathsong, Guardian and Elder of Terole
Mystery Deathsong, Guardian and Elder of Terole by @paradox (Megan Casey)

This is Mystery Deathsong, Guardian and Elder of Terole, another RP site. She's a Dagaan, a species I created. Oh, the crystal beside her, 'Daraquon', she found, and named after her destroyed home planet.

Dagaan's /are/ copyrighted...if you wanna use them, I doubt I'll say 'no', but c'mon people, atleast ask, hey? And yes, I am a crazy person, and tend to get a little upset if my ideas are stolen and changed just enough so that they're not /quite/ the same.

22y139d ago
Other Work By @paradox

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 02 April, 2002 @ 12:31 PM

O.O Fidgets, looks at Razor, her phoenix wolf. But my phoenix wolfy dude looks alot like dat. Dis piccie looks...rather...like a Roc-i-fied version of Razor. 0.-

Posted: Tuesday, 02 April, 2002 @ 03:13 PM

ooh.....dush et relly?

Hee...how i made a Dagaan's looks are really rather lame though....humanoid torso, covered in cat (like) fur. Head (like) a great dane. Legs and talons (like) that of a bird of prey. Wings (like) that of a pegasus/angel. Tail (like) a horse...and "Dagaan" I somehow morphed out of what things I molded it out of...lol....but --- first species I created, so I take pride in the little morons...even so there's only..like..six or something....9 including one's kids. Only two were active, plus those kids that one of them had. now they aren't active, lol...it's just me. hee hee...is pathetic But Pheonix Wolves ahr cool!

Posted: Wednesday, 22 May, 2002 @ 03:24 PM

grin Very nice, Mystery! Now I can really visualize a Dagaan! =^_^= Awesome critters they are.

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