Shauday Deeble

Tradie w/ Sonie Electronie!
Tradie w/ Sonie Electronie! by @yelloebunni (Shauday Deeble)

This is Sincerity, she belongs to Sonic Electronic. I did a trade with her, and i finally am able to my crap on side7. Side7 was being mean to me. i did a half-baked bg. it's gay... but i got a new computer and a new program called Adobe Photoshop Elements... don't buy it! it sux! it doesn't have channels so i can't check the RGB layers... it's not worth the money.. get Photoshop 6.0 or 7.0 ... but 7.0 is way expensive... and they discontinued 6.0 .... gay!! burn it off on of your friends!!! like me... heehee shhhh.. dont tell anyone. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Shauday Deeble

Finished Work
22y72d ago
Other Work By @yelloebunni

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 24 July, 2002 @ 04:06 PM

Sincerity is looking sexay! ahh! So good! I love the way you did her face/expression! To me, the BG looks perfectly fine. ^^ You drew her [I]very[/I] nice!! I'm so tap-dancing happy about this picture! The hair you did is really fun-kay! Nice choice of colour! She's so cool! Wee! Me so happy with this picture! I better go upload mine for you! scampers off to find ur picture burried under mounds of pictures y papers on desk/scanner/piano bench/comp desk

Posted: Tuesday, 30 July, 2002 @ 01:25 AM

DAMMMMMMMMMMM....girl, Shauday I have no words to tell you how much I luv this pix!!! Great job oh how did you like the pix I made for you???? laterz

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Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.