Julie Ottosen

You know what they say...
You know what they say... by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

The bigger they are.... the more bones they break.... Heh, this is a piccy I did after a roleplay. Ethan was hunting down someone just for the hell of it.. and it was pissing her off really bad, so she kinda recruited the help of her big bad cousin Orion who beat the crap outta Ethan. I must say my boy put up a good fight... but Orion was just more than he could handle. He could've shot him, but he's not an assassin... so yeah... this is Ethan after he ran from the fight, and collapsed, coughing up blood.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Teen (V)
Rough / Concept
21y217d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (20)

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Posted: Saturday, 02 November, 2002 @ 11:46 PM

Aww!! Huggles Ethan Poor guy. Sniff He got the crap beat out of him. Shakes head Guess that'll teach him... maybe. Anyway, great picture, as always. Keep up the great work Jules!!

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 12:18 AM

o.o I must say , tish a good piccy. -sniff- Poor Ethan...tsktsk

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 12:26 AM

ooohhh... Bad!! I liked Ethan!! I can't believe his own girlfriend beat the crap out of him!! Ohhh... Very bad!!! Will he live?

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 01:06 PM

No no no... XD Read correctly... his 'gf' didn't beat him up.. it was someone else entirely...

And yes, he will live... he didn't get shot or anything, just a few cracked ribs and some bruises... so yeah

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 12:40 AM

Sad to say, but I think that Orion had fun beating up Ethan. ^^ not that he wishes anyone hurt, Ethan was just asking for it. So, Orion says sorry, but that he got what he deserved. So, he's his passive self. Great pic!! You did a REALLY good job on this one. You positioned him really well. Keep up the good work!^^

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 06:43 AM

pats Ethan on the back and helps him uppoor Ethan...hugglespoooor Ethan.Shouldn't have dun dat!!But what the heck?I almost got his same attitude!!

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 10:29 AM

Awesome pic, Julie. Well, Ethan was hunting a girl for fun, so he sorta deserved it...well, maybe not, but great job anywaz, kay?

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 01:12 PM

Heh, thanx. XD

Yeah, he kinda did deserve it. He does that all the time though.. hunts women. He has a problem w/ women after all, so that's one reason why he choses them to hunt for 'fun' when he needs a break from his job. He finds hunting women.. well, not to sound pigheaded, but it is.. easy. He never hunts just regular girls though, they always have to spark his interest.... so yeah.

I don't think if it will actually 'teach' him anything except to avoid Orion again... or come better prepared to fight him. lol. XD

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 10:41 AM

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! helps ethan awwwwwwww poor guy!!!!! makes pouty face, waves "go ethan" banner

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 01:33 PM

We sure like making our pets cough up blood, don't we? ; )

But yeah, awesome pic...He looks in much pain....(ooucchh!)

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 08:06 PM

aww poor boi!! Jenna to the rescue!!!jenna shoots stuff and helps ethan friends...who tease each other....lol

Posted: Monday, 04 November, 2002 @ 08:29 AM

klings to Ethan and refuses to let go NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU tear tear s'okee Ethan ;; ahm here-ness ;; gives him advil and an icepak refuses to let go of his leg

Posted: Tuesday, 05 November, 2002 @ 05:26 PM

Yeah! Go Orion! Teach that prick who's boss! Sorry. I couldn't control it. Ethan just seemed a little high up on his horse and I think I like it that Orion took him down a few notches. ^^ Ethan did deserve it if he was hunting a girl just for the heck of it. If some prick was hunting me just for fun I'd certainly not like it. So, go Orion! ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 06 November, 2002 @ 09:31 PM

ummm...i have too words for ethan..yuck and ouch...cough great pic julie!!!

Posted: Sunday, 17 November, 2002 @ 12:45 AM

o.o PAININESS!!! Poor Ethan.sniffle great pic luv it.

Posted: Tuesday, 19 November, 2002 @ 08:03 PM

poor Ethan...Huggles...Really good...i've decided my pet Silvermoondaze (Silver Blade) is anthro...she looks cool...and i drew Zahra anthro,(but she's not...or is she i dunno)and i drew raiyder and his G/f anthro...erg now i'm obsessed with antro...me pathetic...

Posted: Monday, 25 November, 2002 @ 09:37 PM

Luff it! Amazing! is amazed at how well she draws Yer so lucky to have such a talent! All my drawings are dinky. o.O; hides them ^-^;

Posted: Sunday, 05 January, 2003 @ 12:58 AM

wow...sound familiar...I haff moi own story to how my lupe ended up like that..heh..he was at him house talkn' with his soon to be wife and somthing came down from nowere and attacked him..o0; also his girl so heh sucked cuz he ended coughn' up blood and he's still in the hospital...with a bullet in his lung...he may not live...I dunno if he will or won't can't make up my mind.....XD

Posted: Saturday, 22 February, 2003 @ 02:47 PM

snifflesIt's oaky Ethan.......props him up with pillows an stuffHe really shouldn't have done that!Ethan slaps Ri,making her fall over Very good one.Unique pose.

Posted: Saturday, 22 February, 2003 @ 04:02 PM

Ethan obsessed fan- WHAT HOW DARE YOU HURT THE EXTREMLY CUTE, HOT, LOVABEL, HOT ETHAN! linger- y do i hav 2 be in the same room? gets hit with desk ow. E.O.F (Ethan Obsessed Fan)- pooor cutie smoochie pie...yanks out first aid kit i makz u all better.
note- no myself linger am not an E.O.F.

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