Julie Ottosen

Don't get me wrong.. I am a hopeless romantic...
Don't get me wrong.. I am a hopeless romantic... by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

....But Valentines day is such a crock. I don't see the point in making someone be almost 'forced' to think of romantic stuff for their significant other one day out of the year and give them flowers and candy and jewelry and take em out to dinner and do all this romantic crap that they could just as easily do any other day of the year. It's just so..... it's an excuse! XD;;; (And no.. this has nothing to do w/ the fact that I don't have a significant other.. I would feel the exact same way w/ a bf so shove off. =P lol.)

So yeah... here's me burning a v-day card. hehe. Burn baby burn!!!

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y125d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (19)

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Posted: Friday, 14 February, 2003 @ 10:13 PM

I agree with you, but their is story to this "holiday" that all the buisnees covered up.A priest in a monestary by the name of Valentine.He married couples off illegaly, he wasn't allowed too for some reason.It was in the 12th century.

Posted: Friday, 14 February, 2003 @ 10:17 PM

Yesh, there was some story about Valentine... The story has been kind of changed around, so I'm not sure which one to believe... I think he put a yellow rose in a card and sent it to... someone...

But, I mean, what's the point of having a holiday for it?? Why isn't there a holiday for the ascension of Mary into heaven? I mean... really... Sure, they have a feast day, but it isn't really the same thing... Hehe, yesh, you can tell I'm feeling much better^^ ..End rant. starts new rant Tch, naw, I don't have a boyfurrend... Boys are GROSS... XD

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 01:16 PM

Don't misunderstand me there.. no, I like boys, I do. I wana be married and have kids and all that and I love romance.. BUT I don't like Valentines cuz it's like pressure for someone to be all "I love you" when they could easily do that any other day of the year. So yeah. I don't want to be single all my life.. I really don't.. but I don't want to be depressed on a day that emphasises having a love... so yeah.

Posted: Friday, 14 February, 2003 @ 11:03 PM

I agree. I hate boys and I want to b single for the rest of my life. Why? I can never trust ONE person to trust and love, that is just plain crummy. If I want to hang with someone - THAT IS WHAT MAH FRIENDS ARE FOR IDIOTS. Huggles her pal Holly

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 01:52 AM

AMEN! lol nah valentines day is fine really i guess.but ur rite why do ppl have to get all pressured up to be 'romantic' on v. day??

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 04:56 AM

I agree w/ you Julie. This picture is really well drawn, I love it huggles

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 06:23 AM

XD!!! I was acctully JUST talking about this with my mom! I mean, I don't even think it's a REAL holiday, its just a greeting card company scam. St. Valentine seems like a load of poo. I mean, whats up with this holiday anyway? All it dose is make the mass majoraty pissed and sad Pissed: their signifigant other forgot. Sad: They don't have a signifigant other. The only reason I like it is cuz I still buy valentines for my friends at school. I got blues clues ones! =D lol! XD! And... The chocolate >.> lol!

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 06:28 AM

XD I got so caught up in my rant that I completly forgot about commenting on the picture! It's AWSOME! I really really really like this one! I love your expression and the anantomy sees just right! Tho I know I spelled that word wrong... Damn my spelling errors! Anywho, I love this :)

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 01:02 PM

blinks I like valentine's day, It's good day to send fake secret admirer cards to your friends so they think that someone likes them...Ba ha ha ha ha, it's so funny, they're all like, Molly! Molly! C'mere I gotta show you this! and then they show you the card and they're all like I wonder who it is?? So funny!

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 03:19 PM

muhahahahahaha Happy Marketing-Ploy day!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

(ahem) yessss..... hehehe the piccy tis very very good, me likes her shirt ^^ =D LOL!!! is hyper...could ya tell????? bounces around shooting ppl with foam arrows muahahahaha

(AHERM!!) ok... well.. the only thing i see POSSIBLY off about the piccy tho... is her thigh curled like < the thigh looks really thick making her bum seem like it's HUGE... 00' so... yeah... but other then that.. tis wonderfful as usual ^^

Valentine... BAH HUMBUG!!! =P

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 08:53 PM

Oh yeah.. I see that.. Tis a little thick.. was trying for the perspective mix thingy.. but it makes her thighs too fat... (not that I have thin thighs or anything koff) anyways... tis only a sketch that I drew in like 10-15 mins. lol. Thanx though.. I might actually color this... lol.

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 05:35 PM

nods Yeah, it's commercialized like every other holiday... just another cash-cow for the economy. I dun really care about it one way or another, because my boyfriend doesn't need a trumped-up holiday as an excuse to be romantic... he's just naturally sweet ^^ sniffs her roses

lol, anyway... snickers Julie, you shoulda sent this in to the neopets art gallery for the v-day special... lol...

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 05:37 PM

i dont care about the day i just wants candyz YAY! kandy kandy kandy! feb 14th the other halowen

Posted: Sunday, 16 February, 2003 @ 05:20 PM

Valintines day is a scam,just a ploiy to make money for flower,candy,and card buisnesses

Posted: Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 @ 11:31 AM

lmao, Julie. xD I agree with you all the way.

Though, in the picture, you should give yourself an evil grin >=3

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 06:00 PM

Nah, I don't want to make myself out as a piromaniac out to burn down Valentines day... just more or less, that I think it's a usless holiday and it disgusts me that ppl put so much emphasis on it. I mean... seriously... why use it as an excuse to let someone know how you feel? Get up the nerve to say it out of the blue! It will mean a whole heck of a lot more... in my opinion. XD

Glad ye likey.

Posted: Friday, 21 February, 2003 @ 11:21 AM

You go Julie!I'm with ya all the way!Valentine's is just for retail.Oh well.I think you did a great job on the expressions this time.Very real.I just happen to love you (oaky that wrong) in 'anthro' form.So real god job!Great!Wheeeee!!!!

Posted: Saturday, 22 February, 2003 @ 01:20 AM

o0o0o... I do agree with ya, Valentines day ish an excuse to do the fancy romantic crappah stuff. ¬¬ They should know that you shouldn't do this stuff just because of the St. Valentine stuff o.o Besides, I'm not into this stuff anyhow XP I think it's pointless. Sending poems signed "annonymous", blushing, flirting, arm-locking everywhere! Mesa cornered! Gasp Ehehe... Back to the point o_O I do like the way you did this piccy very much so. ^^ The thight? Big deal ¬¬ Color it Julie! COLOR! o_O ehehe... Great piccy ^^; I lurve it very much =D

Posted: Thursday, 06 March, 2003 @ 06:50 PM

I agree all the way. I have valentines, and I hope it dies....-Narrows eyes- the only thing I get is stoooopid coconut crap x-x

The only good thing is the lil' heart shaped boxes are good for throwing at Lu (lupe90617) hehehehehehe -Chucks one at the back of his head- hehehehe

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