Kvara Klawstorm

Dinos are tight!
Dinos are tight! by @zankara (Kvara Klawstorm)

Twas watching Dinotopia when I disided I'd try a dino again. They're legs and arms are placed in the weirdest places... hence making them so darn fun to draw! My dad wouldn't let me on the comp (GRR TO HIM) so I colored in with pencils... turned out kinda bad but.. oh well! I'm getting sick of GCing everything anyway.

Aw well, atleast its a brake from Sonic stuff right?

Still up for art trades ppls!!!! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kvara Klawstorm

Finished Work
22y76d ago
Other Work By @zankara

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 15 May, 2002 @ 07:50 PM
i love it looks cool the eye looks evil keep up da good work : )
Posted: Wednesday, 15 May, 2002 @ 11:14 PM

ooooo!!! what a wicked pict! It loks so evil, yet so cute! I watched Dinotopia too! The colouring is great y the position you put the dino in is also way past! Great work!!

Posted: Wednesday, 15 May, 2002 @ 11:20 PM

Geeze! You on a ROLE Now!! People really are gettin go tlike you r art!!

Love Your Best Friend ^-^'Fi^.^'

Posted: Friday, 14 June, 2002 @ 07:44 PM

DINOSAURS!! hugs That is way to kute! Very spiffay, me likes!

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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