EvolovE 1313

Bonjour, Cheri!
Bonjour, Cheri! by @evol1313 (EvolovE 1313)

This is Remy LeBeau (aka Gambit from X-Men aka THE SEXIEST BITCH IN THE WHOLE GROUP!) with Mia LaBelle (aka EvolovE, aka MOI! ^_^)... EvolovE's mutant powers include: drawing pictures that people hate and being hated by millions-- And she's good at it too! lol Anyway, I worked so hard on Gambit that I just got lazy when it came to doing me and the background... This picture has a LOT of mistakes in it, but I won't mention them all 'cuz then you'll hate it too... But basically... I forgot my piercings and I REALLY need to learn how to do the whole dark and highlight thinggy too... Gah...

But anyway... At least HE looks hot!!! dies Why does he even want Rogue when he can have ME?! I won't steal his powers if he tries to kiss me and shiznit!!! lol Meff... so gorgeous... He's my March Mofo. ^_^

Finished Work
22y130d ago
Other Work By @evol1313

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 25 February, 2002 @ 06:21 PM

................................................................... really wants to post but has no clue what to say cause it's so flippin good .............................................................. snarfs and trudges off, hoping EvolovE gets the point; lol

Posted: Monday, 25 February, 2002 @ 08:48 PM

I absolutely LOVE this!!!!! I just can't gget over how good this is!!!!!! Geez, I thought I was a pretty good artist, but compared to this, my drawings are crap!! Wow, this is good!!

Posted: Sunday, 31 March, 2002 @ 10:05 AM

Gah ENVY. You've utterly captured Remy..it's just HIM! le drool This is such a marvelous piece, it's hard for me to come up with something to say except repeated envy and drool phrases. LoL!

EvolvE looks pretty nifty too..interesting costuming, hope the body suit's not mesh too! :P I like her expression. Though I still hate her, because, BOOM! Remy's mine! Mine! Mine!! :P Just joshin'. Imagine, fightin' over a fictional character. :D

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