EvolovE 1313

Fragile Lives ... Shattered Dreams ...
Fragile Lives ... Shattered Dreams ... by @evol1313 (EvolovE 1313)

sobs 'til her eyes fall out This picture looked SO much better WITHOUT the damn water! -- Anyway, this is a pic of all the different ways to commit suicide! ^^ Can yooou find them all? giggles - Suffocation (no breathing don't give a--...) - Shooting yourself - Hanging yourself - The RIGHT way to slit your wrists - Overdose (the veins in the arms and the pills) - Drowning - I tried to make the shirt look like it was burnt, but that didn't work much - And if you're looking at it like me, ANOREXIA! lol

Ugh, I'm so mad that this pic turned out bad 'cuz it was SUCH a good concept! -_- sigh I think I'll try to make another one, but just a lot better next ime...

Mature (V)
Finished Work
22y134d ago
Other Work By @evol1313

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 23 February, 2002 @ 08:07 PM

I think this is such an awesome concept... and i'm glad you draw what comes to mind... it's a great thing... grins i think the water actucally gave it a kinda neat effect, but i also love the pattern of the clothes and her eyes... such a spiffy job, i can't wait to see more work from you! keep doodling my insane goth girl XD

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