Michelle Pollard

Pika, NO NO!
Pika, NO NO! by @michpoll (Michelle Pollard)

BASHY! MUAHAHAHA! It's da bashy washy covering pika wika! MUAHAHAHA! Team Bowchu, coming to the rescue, on chaos mode. This is rated Teen 'cause we are all very nakey o.o See, see, VENUSAUR! Don't ask where's it's head went to, but you can as well see where's it's butt is at =D

(and yes, another shot from camera mode)

Teen (N)
Finished Work
22y189d ago
Other Work By @michpoll

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 09 January, 2002 @ 07:06 PM

NO PIKA!!!! DON'T LOOK!!!! puts her hand over your eyes Bad Venusaur...stop humping everything!!

Yesh, I am Bash (Bashy :? ) from Team Bowchu and this points to the piccy is my desperate attempt to keep Pika sane...I don't think it worked though... o.O';;;

Anywho ^_^';;; TEAM BOWCHU FOREVER!!!! In Chaos we Reign!!

http://www.side7.com/art/dragligh/gallery.html Go there to see the Team Bowchu Banner I made :-D

Ok..I'm done o.o';;;

Posted: Thursday, 24 January, 2002 @ 04:59 PM

YOU BUMBUM! I don't have a nintendo game cube +(;.;)+ you mock my pain. LOL! j/k XD smashie smashie is my favorite game on nin64! It's most likely better on Gkoobe :|*) EEEEEEEEE!!!! H@RNY VENASAUR!!!!! Time to nuter him, Michelle XD and GOOD LUCK!

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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