Julie Ottosen

being 'the hunter'
being 'the hunter' by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Muahahah!! koff

Okee. this is my Ethan.. again (cuz he's so cool koff) and my friends lupess Mina. Just earlier they had been 'battling' He beat her and had her pinned to the mat. XD;; anyways.. this is afterwards when she came out of the showers and he was like practicing some fighting moves and junk and blah blah blah.. you get the idea. XD;;

Mina © Roxxy 2003 Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y69d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (21)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 05:43 PM

HEY WOW THERE, it's maybe a nice position, but who is that Mina any way?! * jealous jealous*

Let's come back to reality now, let's analyse :

Ethan looks good, but not happy, or interested, even though he passes his hand on her cheek, he doesn't seem happy to have "won" that one. Is it normal?

  1. Mina, she is okay, a little too well.. if you see what I meen

  2. observation and amelioration =

hum, I think if Ethan other hand should be on Mina's hip, or taking her on the back, since she is already in this position, I think that would make Ethan look more possesif.

Well, you take over there. good job!

Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 08:15 PM

I tried to make him look like he's smirking.. XD;; A cocky smirk he has heh. That -is- normal of him.

As far as that second comment, I don't know what you mean cuz you didn't actually say anything. A little too well what? You can make the comment private if you want to only tell me..

Good suggestion about his hand though.. I may just do something like that... if I decide to do anything with the picture that is. XB


Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 06:06 PM

Wowwee. I like this alot. You draftmansship on it all is wonderful. It looks like he is about ready to kiss her O.O;; hee hee


Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 08:55 PM

yep! That's what it is suppose to look like. ^^;

Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 06:27 PM

KOFF The drama of it all. Smacks an soap opra star with a chicken -.- and the journey continues...with uh...Looks at all the kids in the room NO LOOKIE!!! >:[ Eurythmira twitches Eurythmira: It's not like the kids DON'T know what's happening in the picture SARA...jeeze. Rolls eyes

Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 06:37 PM

Ethan is like james bond kinda... beats the "stuff" outta evil ppls and girls always there to "cheer him on". hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... at first I thought the line above her chest was where the top of her shirt ended and didn't see the sleeves, and was like "woah, they gettin down and dirty or somthing?" good job :p

Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 07:02 PM

It's..... PEANUTBUTTER JELLY TIME!! Peanutbutter jelly! Peanutbutter jelly! Peanutbutter jelly with a baseball bat!! Laaadies! Laaaadies! Hee hee ^__^

I think you know who I am ^__~ Anyways, to spare your poor eardrums some shrieking and whooping, I will remain calm while I express my admiration.... Stares WHEEEE! Ooops. My bad =P

Ha ha! Who is Mina? The world may never know.... Meep. Nah, I'm just being strange.

Yup yup yup... I believe I've already raved & ranted over MSN Messenger, so, the end!!

Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 07:21 PM

looks up from a funny picture of an anthro chia Wow this iz a good piccy mebby its just me but his tail looks a little odd. what is mina's full name?? well this vey good. Nothing else to say but this is a good piccy!!

Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 08:56 PM

somehow can not picture an anthro chia..>>; and really doesn't want to. XP

Uh.. let me ask.. XD

tis Liuminaa


Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 08:25 PM

Lol! ^_^ I love this pic.! Her face is great! It looks like she wants to playfully nip at him XD Shes VERY pretty too! Ethan looks so cute lol nods you should color!

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 12:11 AM

I prolly will color this one eventually.. I likes it enough. ^^;

Posted: Sunday, 30 March, 2003 @ 10:07 PM

Well, okay so yeah he is hott and he is a player. But I mean come on he's got more girls with him then a hott movie star. I mean geez are these girls like flys and he's the honey or something? Geez... I mean d*mn Ethan must really like to fool around -twitch- he's almost like my boyfriend though with my boyfriend it's just me

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 12:16 AM
Ethan: Got a problem with that?

Lol! XD;;; I was just talking to my friend today about that actually... and we were amusing ourselves by thinking what would happen if Ethan met a girl that wasn't attracted to him? Not like hating him, but just didn't want him... XB Think it will ever happen? lol.

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 12:03 AM

I'm just curious.Why is there some sort of bandages around his feet?Is he still injured from the time he was thrown by the hooded creature?

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 12:13 AM

No. This scene happened before that hooded figure guy. His feet are wrapped cuz he was doing some kickboxing and such just moments before. They're wrapped to protect his feet. He has his hands wrapped too, but he ended up cutting one hand, at his knuckles, but you can see it,cuz his hand is on her cheek. ^^; so yeah.. heh.

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 01:57 PM

Hey Julie. Sorry that it''s been so long that I've comented on one of your pictures, and that I've been online. I'm accually at school right now... and... well... my computer has a virus at the moment, so don't expect me on too soon. Oo;;

Anyway, nice picture for sure. I want to pick up the rp with Ethan and Jade... but NO... my computer has to be stupid -.-

Funneh thing... whenever I see a picture of Ethan, the song 'I get around' by the Beach Boys pops into my head ^^;;; Funneh.. but stupid, lol. Just thought I'd tell you that. Anywho, I like the pic for sure!! hugz Hopes to see you soon =(

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 07:39 PM



Lio:9_9...are you ok? your acting weirder than normal... Amaroq:WEIRDER THAN NORMAL?? WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? chases lio out of the room and throws a pillow at him AND DONT COME BACK TILL SUPPER*looks at watch* WAIT, COME BACK IN 15 MINUTES!

grrreat piccy julie...color it!!if you look she looks like she has an evil loo kin her eye...(Lio is my kougra...i use him and Kapugen for rping...)

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 07:48 PM

This is soo cool Julie!!! But I think his feet are too small.

I like to draw anthros also. I saw the pic and wondered what kind of feet do anthro lupes have anyway?((that sounded kinda childish, coming from a fifteen year old.))

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 09:11 PM

Awesome picture uummm...Do you mind if I call you Julie? Aaanyway I was reading other people's posts and your replies and stuff, and about your reply to Mindy's post starts giggling hysterically then gets hit by a white lupess Right Uumm well I have one thing to say about that, Would ya like to find out? falls on the floor laughing hysterically until the before mentioned lupess kicks her and picks her back up again |Lace(the white lupess):I sure hope your not talking about me.| Erm...Actually I was, unless ofcourse you find him attractive then I was talking about Ally, but I'm pretty sure you hate bountyhunters sooo |Lace:blushes furiously The picture Jazz| Oh yeah, awesome picure, really cool pose, but Ethan's foot (one that isn't cut in half) looks a little small, that could just be me though..either way awesome picture, totally love it

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 09:28 PM

Its a funny pic. You can't really tell that hes smirking though. About that comment about a girl that didn't want Eathen, was that a hint?

Posted: Wednesday, 23 April, 2003 @ 07:22 PM

Oooh!Vedy,vedy tense.I saw the line around her chest and thought it was her shirt!Oh well.......that was stupid.I hate to say it,but Ethan really doesn't look likes he's smirking.Um,yeah.runs off

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