Thanks! :D Reference is a wonderful thing (even if I never follow it closely!)
Whee by @denise (Denise Chan)
My exams are over and I can paint, now. All day, if I were so inclined. Without guilt.
Spent simply ages on the sunset and 5 minutes on the dragon-thing. Er. I need to do more sunsets and I need to stop doing my dragons at 2:30 am.
2 hours - openCanvas 1.1 all the way, baby!
Comments & Critiques (9)
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That sky is soooo gorgeous. I love the colors that you used, and the fact that the clouds are not just flat against the sky. I need to learn to do that.
But the dragon looks like it was just pasted on. I hope you don't take offense to this, but I think the picture would look better without the dragon. The background is just so beautiful.
Thanks for the comment! No offense taken at all - I feel the same way about the dragon, but I thought the composition would be more 'complete' with a subject in it - and it was far too late and I was far too lazy to refine it more. :) I'm glad you like the clouds and sunset, though! I've been having the most terrible trouble with skies for the longest time, and this is very encouraging!
and wow on the sunset. I saw the thumpnail and I could swear it was a photograph great job!!