Bridgette Berry

Todd, the Goth :o
Todd, the Goth :o by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

I told you I'd make Goth*Todd.. nyagh... behold my beautiful background!!1! ;P

You're probably asking yourself, "What the hell is with that demented pose?" Well... so am I.

I couldn't find any clothes references I liked, so I made them up myself. If you see anything else like it.. lemme know so I can sue!! No.. kidding.

Nailpolish on guys is sexeh.

I wanted to do more dramatic shadowing, but.. well.. I don't know what happened.

I feel random..

21y2d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 30 June, 2003 @ 11:35 AM

Oh my... drooldrool He's so sezzy!! Mmmmm, he looks absolutly delicious. Excellent job, I can't wait for more piccies from you! ^.^

Posted: Monday, 30 June, 2003 @ 02:36 PM

i think its awsome!! i luv his boots!! ive always wanted those boots daydreams oookkkk i luv it!!! me and my friend are sotra goths w/ the fingernail polish and the clothes and u get wat im sayin. i luv it!!!

Posted: Monday, 30 June, 2003 @ 05:28 PM

Wow! That's totally funkay! He looks kinda sinister and sneaky heheh


Posted: Thursday, 03 July, 2003 @ 11:26 AM

Daaaaang gurl! That's one of -the- greatest pictures I've ever seen!!! I am just in awe...You have an incredible talent... As for Toad, he looks extremely sexy and I love seeing him dressed gothic!
I don't see anything wrong with the pose, I think it's a really cool pose to tell the truth! Keep up the outstanding work!!!


Posted: Monday, 07 July, 2003 @ 06:43 PM

...drool I cannot seem to form a coherent sentence right now. stares at picture for about 20 more minutes Holy beaver! This is the sexiest Todd I've ever seen! And I think Todd is pretty cute anyway. cannot think of anything to say If I could draw HALF as well as you can, I'd...I'd...plaster my walls with sexeh pictures of Todd and Dib.

Posted: Saturday, 23 August, 2003 @ 05:34 PM


The seksiness...it...burns!

Attacks picture

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