El Thorvaldo Moderator

German Southwest Africa (Mark Sensen)
German Southwest Africa (Mark Sensen) by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

SVG reconstruction of a variant scheme for the flag of German Southwest Africa (modern-day Namibia) submitted to Flags of the World by Mark Sensen in 1998. It was used by Christos200 for the Democratic People's Republic of Namibia in Multipolarity III, a cringeworthy mashup of Stalinist brutality and self-effacing Germanophilia in which Hifikepunye Pohamba's evil clone tried to promote Karl Marx as a prophet of God to kiss ass to Jehoshua's Papal States. Saved from utter destruction in the Romnesian Wars by Ravus_Sol overplaying his hand and admitting to war crimes that swung international sympathy in favour of what was once the world's principal terrorist state, toward the game's end christos pulled a trademark Ideology Flip, adopting a neoliberal government while continuing the communists' imperial policies. Seditious activity in Mozambique and Uganda drew it into an epilogue war with my own Union of Guinea that saw Namibia decisively defeated and reconstructed as a genuine democracy (ironically at the hands of the Downfall Gang—it's a long story).

Fun fact: A parody of this country emerged in Roll to Dodge: Ludicrous Edition as a result of christos joining with a strong roll. He proceeded to go AWOL and Omega124 led a popular revolution, establishing the feminist régime that carried over into Roll II Rule.

Originally uploaded to the now-defunct IOT Wiki in 2019, substituting the grossly insufficient original GIF. Modified from Flaggenentwurf 7 Südwestafrika 1914.svg by Fornax, published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, and the GNU Free Documentation License.

Download submitted to DeviantArt September 2022; alternative download available via Patreon.

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