E-heh.... bu-but! :: waves arms about:: by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)
e-heh well this is based on when I went to check out Tazzy's archive at Deviant art..and I wanted to comment on her new art there..unfortunatly..you have to join Deviant art if you want to comment on people's art there..and well this raised an important question in my head.."but what if they don't want to join?" I mean..I'm happy just staying at Side 7 since this place is totally cool! and you don't have to sign up to comment on a friends art. I'm not saying that I don't like Deviant art or anything like that..I'm just saying it's sort of silly that you can only comment if your a member..I mean it's almost saying those that aren't joined up are outsiders..ack! vivid imagination kicking in again :: whacks head:: e-heh..well..yeah..so..I'm staying with good ol'e Side 7. ^_^. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Rebecca Mason
Aw, Becca! Ya know Side7 will forever be ma numero uno! I'm sorry, I'll upload again! bows bows I'm guessing, Deviantart won't let people who aren't members comment cause they want more people to join, and possibly donate money, or buy stuff and there fore they get richer, and what ever ^^ I promise to start my uploading again, I've just been busy, that's all ^^ hugs ya