Julie Ottosen

aww.. wittle cutey..
aww.. wittle cutey.. by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is mai Link and his petpet Moe (a Harris) ^^;; Ain't they cute? I made the Harris a mix of some sort of what it looks like, of a koalabear, and a rat and kinda like a cat too. So Moe often sits on Link's shoulder and fiddles with his hair.. lol. ^^;; (rats like to do that sometimes, so I thought it'd be cute).

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y94d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (12)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 05 March, 2003 @ 08:33 PM

awwwww!!! Moe is so CUTE!!! hehehehe Link looks a widdle annoyed... tho he still looks yummy looking ^^ tho.... his shoulders don't seem right.. like they aren't broad enough... or they aren't even or... SOMETHING but i dunt know what... Oo`.... huh....well... I'll stare at it like I know i will and slowly figure it out ^^ hehehe

Posted: Wednesday, 05 March, 2003 @ 11:12 PM

Hmm.. his shoulders might be a bit too thin... meh.. it was a quick sketch anyways... lol. XD;;; I shouldn't make excuses though.. lol. Ain't Moe a cutie? lol. ^^;

Posted: Thursday, 06 March, 2003 @ 01:15 AM

great pic and all, but koalas ARE NOT BEARS!!! gah! i know, when i went americ everyone was like"doyou ride a kangaroo to school and aren't koalabears cute blahblagblag" and they are marupials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahem, sorry. great pic, anywayz!

Posted: Thursday, 06 March, 2003 @ 04:17 PM

Why are you insulted? That's what they're called! Koalabears... I know they're not bears, they're in the same family as Kangaroo's and such, I'm not an idiot. But that's what they're named, Koala-bears. Even if they aren't bears. They're named that cuz they LOOK like bears (sorta). So yeah, don't get insulted, sheesh.. -_-; Glad you like the pic though.

Posted: Thursday, 06 March, 2003 @ 04:10 AM

Ooh, me likes the Harris, is so cute! ^_^ Me also like Link, he is COOL! huggles Link

Posted: Thursday, 06 March, 2003 @ 01:51 PM

Hehehe. Moe is so cute, but Link better watch out for his ear rings cuz eh... if he likes to play with air then he probably likes to fiddle around with dangly thingers :P

Posted: Thursday, 06 March, 2003 @ 11:25 PM

they are NOT BEARS! i am australian, i have studied the bloody things all through school(ich) and they're no more a bear than a panda is, and they are called koalas!!!!!!!!!!!! they're also dangerous! sorry. i get annoyed at ppl when they say that. sorry. moe is cute, tho.

Posted: Thursday, 06 March, 2003 @ 11:25 PM

they are NOT BEARS! i am australian, i have studied the bloody things all through school(ich) and they're no more a bear than a panda is, and they are called koalas!!!!!!!!!!!! they're also dangerous! sorry. i get annoyed at ppl when they say that. sorry. moe is cute, tho.

Posted: Friday, 07 March, 2003 @ 08:30 AM
To Julia: This is great work! =D He looks so nummy. And the little Harris-type-petpet guy is so adorable! ^^ I love your work.
Oh for pete's sake! No one is saying that they are BEARS. Julia is just STATING what they are called, as far as I can tell she said NOTHING about them being bears. DROP IT. (And you know someone else? I'm Austrailian too...but really to get mad over someone saying a petpet looks like a Koala? lol.)
Posted: Friday, 07 March, 2003 @ 06:16 PM

otay, otay, SORRY. i didn't mean it. sorry. pleeze forgive meh julie. sorry.

Posted: Wednesday, 19 March, 2003 @ 06:18 AM

hee hee hee ^.^ So CUTE! I REALLY like this piccy! you should color it! It ish adorable!

Posted: Wednesday, 02 April, 2003 @ 11:24 PM

Okay okay okay!! Jeez la-freaking louise!! So they're just called Koala's. I grew up being taught that they were called koalabears so give me a friggin break okay? And besides, does it really matter all that much? -_-;

Anyways... as far as flamers, it is not an american thing, it is an online thing. An internet alias for someone who simply says something totally uncalled for and rude, many times using crude language and offensive things to say how much they 'hate' someone. Like me for example. I've had many comments come from 'flamers' that will say that I suck and that they hate me and I should go kill myself. These types of comments are just totally uncalled for and dimeaning and they hurt many times as well, and they're not helpful in the least. Hence why they're called 'flamers' cuz all they do is burn you.

Now you know.

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