Julie Ottosen

Lune and Kay sequential
Lune and Kay sequential by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Some peeps have wondered if I'm all the sudden drawing M rated pictures, the answer is no, I'm just barely uploading these pictures that I've drawn awhile ago.. XP This one isn't all that bad, but I thought it needed a higher rating than T, for the younger viewers... ^_~ And, if anyone is offened by it, then that's not my problem...¬¬

Okay, so this is another sequential.. done from (you guessed it) another roleplay. It was so funny the way it happened, I had to draw it! XD If you can't read it- this is what it says (from the top going left to right and down): Lune(the girl): What do you feel? Kay: Uh... gulp You're heartbeat.. Lune: Exactly- What do you feel now? Kay: My heart beat... Lune: Feel any difference? Kay: Not much... Lune: What about now? (hehe) Kay: Uh... I'd have to say- mine is picking up some speed... Lune: How do you feel- about me? Kay: As what? A person? A mage? Cuz, as a person you're very... nice... Lune: As a woman.. Kay: (nervous sounding) Oh- uh- well- as, as a woman I find you very- beautiful and- and intriguing Lune: That's just what I wanted to hear- And she jumps on him and kisses him... heh..

Okay, the reason this scene came about... is Kay was a little depressed and pissed off, cuz he was actually in love with Nova, yeah, my other character (shoosh) but of course, Nova is in love with Wraith, and sees Kay as like a big brother... cuz Kay kinda helped Nova and such when she was younger (Nova has a lot of problems.. XD) Anyways... so yeah.. Lune just kinda, showing Kay he's not out of options. ^_~

Personally I don't think they're like a permanat couple... looks off innocently hehe... but I still thought this scene was hilarious.. XD

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
21y257d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (9)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 23 September, 2002 @ 07:19 PM

yet another wonderful picture done by oasis. keep it up!

Posted: Saturday, 28 September, 2002 @ 12:49 PM

Why'd you rate it M? It doesn't seem to be M material... T maybe, but not M.

(I really like it, by the way)

Posted: Tuesday, 08 October, 2002 @ 01:27 PM

I like it but its...its...well...weird....but still really good~_~

Posted: Saturday, 19 October, 2002 @ 02:15 PM


Posted: Tuesday, 29 October, 2002 @ 09:21 PM

Awesome =3 you make your female lupes beautiful and your males hott! ^_^ well done

Posted: Tuesday, 12 November, 2002 @ 01:58 AM

hehe, nice work jules, and as for why it was rated m...well...we can just let you figure out what it led up to...

Posted: Sunday, 29 December, 2002 @ 12:50 AM

i like it. um...is the guy a kougra? Well keep up the amazing work!!

Posted: Monday, 10 March, 2003 @ 06:31 PM

snicker He ish hot.. xD

And ummm.. it's pretty clear what it lead up to, no? lol!

Posted: Wednesday, 21 May, 2003 @ 10:54 PM

Jane,Tarzan,Jane,Tarzan.>>;; lol Veeeeery...koff koff nice ^^

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