
Building of a World-New Avalon GrandLaner Project In Minecraft
Building of a World-New Avalon GrandLaner Project In Minecraft by @XxTheCreativeKitsunexX (XxTheCreativeKitsunexX)

The idea was plain and simple, build an entire world in Minecraft for a projec I started back in 1991. 

Using Minecraft to mold an entire world in which the production would take place bringing to light and life the cities, places and locals that would would be present in the final production.  I used Minecraft as a 3D model to produce my world and work to make a script, characters, world and music as well as actual foods you could eat and entire mythos behind each area being created. 

3 Striaght years alone I toiled on the project even streaming its creation on twitch a few times as people watched me lay every brick into place and bring more of New Avalon to life.  Each floating plane sculpted and shaped by hand and on the Playstaion 4.  I spent hours of my time figuring out each detail and envisioning this world that only existed in my head.

Sadly the original script work, novel character designs and music were lost with my old HD so GrandLaner is on indefinite haitus for the forseeable future.  Yes I was asked hundreds of times by people to help build my world, but only I knew what it would be and could not get anyone to help cause I knew they would want to add their own ideas into the production and I could not have that.  So this is the end result of 3 years of continuous work.

Starting with a flat piece of land floating high in the sky and a few building which would soon become my magnum opus in Minecraft.  More details and pics will be uploaded in time so please enjoy the fruits of my labor.

Minecraft is (C) Mojang and Microsoft 
GrandLaner Project is (C) and (TM) J.Delorey Productions Sword Dancer Studio Canada LTD
All Rights on the original work of this world reserved. 

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Sunday, 25 August, 2024 @ 07:19 PM

I actually have Minecraft but I haven't touched it in years; the crow's nest takes me back to my... either first or second game, where I built little watchtowers that acted as routing points as I journeyed across the map. (The session may have been bugged as I thought I was playing Survival Mode but wasn't mobbed once.) Incredibly I only touched Creative Mode once; for someone who used to lay down hand-crafted communities in the SimCity games and dabbled a bit in LDD for concept work, I'm kind of ashamed I never exploited it for worldbuilding.

If I find the time I really oughta look into it again; I've been meaning to see if I can assemble an underwater hotel-type structure.

P.S.: Gotta love that broadcast widget. You can take the kitsune out of the studio... ;3

Posted: Monday, 26 August, 2024 @ 02:49 AM

@Thorvald wrote:
P.S.: Gotta love that broadcast widget. You can take the kitsune out of the studio... ;3

Kitsune by Name Creative By Nature.  Yeah MC has a special kind of magic that makes any man into a kid playing with lego all over again and I have not played with lego since I was knee high to a garbanzo bean.

Posted: Monday, 26 August, 2024 @ 06:03 PM

@XxTheCreativeKitsunexXGarbanzo bean mentioned. Neurons activated.

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