Megan Casey

*dun dun dun* The iMac Daemon...
*dun dun dun* The iMac Daemon... by @paradox (Megan Casey)

Whee hee hee! Lookit! What can you expect when there's four green iMacs in my homeroom/math/science classroom?

Muha...The illeged Computer Daemon has roamed our keyboards and programs for years...now for the first time ever, an eye witness picture of the most ellusive, rare, and most hated species of the Computer Daemon family...the iMac Daemon.

Finished Work
22y137d ago
Other Work By @paradox

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Monday, 01 April, 2002 @ 12:28 PM

Hee. Draw da Typo Daemon! Dis guy looks like my brother. 0.-

Posted: Monday, 01 April, 2002 @ 06:48 PM

Your brother...? My gaw'...Simbrie's a table, and she threw her brother, Pip, out of the house, and Pip is actually her cousin...Table families are messed up...but you're brother's an iMac daemon...or some halfbreed of some sort...that's just /scary/ nodda nod matta-o-faktlee. Love my spelling?

ou...Typo Daemons...now THEY is scary... sends out her lackie to get a picture of one. she's not goin' near wunna dem things. Looks back at her spelling...doesn't /need/ one

Posted: Tuesday, 02 April, 2002 @ 12:10 PM

Lol. Yis. O.o Whassa table family? Cocks her head. Whee. Typo Demon. I donno what they look like--Blinks. Poor lacky.

Posted: Tuesday, 02 April, 2002 @ 03:02 PM

Whee....a table family....is a family....of tables! ^_^

Hee...my lacky came back sometime this morning, right before lunch...he was scared, I think...he ran back into my head so fast it gave me a headache. But, he got me the Typo Deamon picture. I had to fix it up though...he's a horrible draw-er..didn't want that to look like "drawer" like in a desk... So I'll have it up tomorrow, I already put my five up for today -_- ... realizes she was talking about a lacky that lives in her head, and can see computer deamons. nods...that's good...means she doesn't have that disease..."Normalcy"...terrifying

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