Li Chi Son

Revamping a very very old character!??!?!?! AHHH!! Not HER!!!!
Revamping a very very old character!??!?!?! AHHH!! Not HER!!!! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

She's going to get a makeover in the rp soon so there's no point hiding it.

Who is SHE? Well, let me explain how she got her new look first.... From a certain sword fight that she got into, half her hair got chopped off so she had to cut the rest off to remove the hinderance of uneven long hair. (nudge nudge bro bro)

Just when the battle was about to be over.....(I wanted to lose!!! ><) stupid Karn made Zaltite's attack ball explode before it hit her. Karn merged with an unwilling Zaltite (not sure if it's permenant right now).

Anywhoo....it's overly depressed..LI CHI!!!

special notes: the necklace - belonged to Zaltite. He dropped it one day and she's had it ever since. (I think I fancied it up a lot more than the original)

the earrings - they've always been there but now you can actually SEE them.

the sash - it's her ribbon she used to tie her hair up with.

the depressed look - First she just finally connected the overly self-centered, obnoxious, ill-mannered Drallos is sweet, gentle, caring Zaltite she loved for 2+ years. (Actually it's Zal 20(?) years from the future merged with his demonic side) After being told, she had to fight him. Then the Karn bit so non of her questions could be answered. Who WOULDN'T be depressed??

Well.....we'll see what'll happen soon....once I find time to rp and catche bro bro online at the same time :P

enjoy! (P.S. Want to read the rp?? I have the logs up on my page somewhere. Want the url? email me)

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y202d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 15 January, 2003 @ 04:49 PM

I love her design, and the way you drew in red. She's so cool!


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