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Yearly Loot Thread! - Started by: migucast
Yearly Loot Thread!
Posted: 25 Dec 2006, 12:29 PM

It's that time of year again! Time to share what material goods exchanged hands morning! ^^ I'll go first:

Games: Custom Robo (GCN) Baten Kaitos 2 (GCN) Odama (GCN) Final Fantasy 3 (NDS) Children of Mana (NDS) Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (NDS) Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - with pre-order loot (NDS) Dragon Quest 8 (PS2) Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (PC) Dread Pirates (Board)

DVDs: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Giant Robo: The Day The Earth Stood Still - Volume 2 Futurama - Volume 2 Mobile Fighter G Gundam - Box Set 1 Voltron - Volume 1 Star Blazers - Volume 3

Books and Such: Jampacked Fox Trot Mobile Suit Gundam: Ecole du Ciel - Volume 3 2007 Dilbert Calender

Misc: Auntie Anne's At Home Pretzel Kit Shirt Wallet $25 bill $50 bill for dinner with fiancee

That's about it. How did everyone else make out?

Posted: 26 Dec 2006, 09:55 AM

wow lotsa gifts there I got a new camera from my dad 50 pounts (about 100 euro) from my aunt 20 pounts (about 40 euro) from my uncle

Posted: 26 Dec 2006, 10:57 AM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 26 Dec 2006, 10:59 AM.

Dang, that's a lot of stuff and money for you guys! We got a lot of little things and some needed rather than wanted things this year. Paint for the bedroom, matching bed-in-a-bag, etc. Haven't even gone through everything just yet, only got home last night after midnight and woke up a little while ago. Will post later - if anyone's interested - with the full tally. Will say one thing, most of the family got plastic toboggans, but there was no snow this year! I'm still dreaming of a white Christmas...

Posted: 26 Dec 2006, 08:37 PM

Yeah, that IS a lot... I blame my fiancee... ^^;;;;;;;;; Back when it was only her working, she used to spoil me rotten with tons and tons of stuff. And now that we're both working, we spoil each other at Christmas.. ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Of course, the problem is... When will I have to time to PLAY these new games?! ;_; Maybe if I yank my DSL from the wall...

Posted: 26 Dec 2006, 08:40 PM

Four books: ~ Forgotten English by Jeffrey Kacirk – details a number of English words which have fallen into disuse as well as the customs surrounding those words. ~ March Hares and Monkeys' Uncles by Harry Oliver – details the origins of several interesting English phrases. ~ Movie Cats by Susan Herbert – classic movie scenes reimagined with anthropomorphic cats. ~ Weapon – a reference book for weaponry from ancient times to the modern day.

One calendar: ~ Noble Cats 2007 – painted images of various anthropomorphic cats wearing medieval and Renaissance era clothing.

One ornament set: ~ set of three cat ornaments.

Two pieces of clothing: ~ one pair of pajamas. ~ one shirt.

Six Lego Train items: ~ two sets of 9v curved track. ~ one set of 9v striaght track. ~ one set of 9v splitting tracks. ~ one 9v power regulator. ~ one Holiday Train including locomotive, tender car, passenger car, gondola car full of gifts, car for trees, and caboose. (Took me over two hours to put the thing together.)

Posted: 26 Dec 2006, 08:52 PM

Those books sound interesting, CyberCorn. Sounds like you got themed this year. grin

And I know how it is spoiling one's other half, Red. My big gift this year was one I gave my husband, an R/C airplane. At least without snow it let him play with it as soon as he got it. Quite coincidentally, my dad got him an R/C flight simulator for the computer. It's too advanced for either of our systems, but the remote works with freeware sims he's downloaded. Incidentally, we're probably not going to upgrade much beyond the durable trainer plane I got him. Not all planes crash as nicely.

We got a lot of generic gifts from family - soaps, bath stuff, wallet, small container boxes, etc. - so I won't post the full list, but far from it to say I'm not pleased. With my mom's staggeringly generous Christmas money, I went out and bought Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Mario Kart Super Circuit, which were massively on sale nearby. Hurrah! These are only the first games I've bought for my GBA since I got it in September last year. I've also discovered sudoku puzzles. I have to be careful I don't get too distracted from the painting and other repairs we planned to do this week.

And next Christmas I'll be able to go home to visit my family. Yay!

Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 11:27 PM

I am spending Christmas with my family in Walt Disney World. In fact, I'm still here. :) Photos are here.

We'll be here until Saturday the 30th. :) Having fun.

Furrball bought me two books: The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From The Living Dead and How To Survive A Robot Uprising: Tips On Defending Yourself Against The Coming Rebellion.

My family also bought me a couple of gift cards.

See you all when I get back from Disney!

-- BK

Posted: 28 Dec 2006, 08:58 AM
I am spending Christmas with my family in Walt Disney World. In fact, I'm still here. :) Photos are here. -- BK

yay disney land :D

nice books you got. I remember i saw them on amazon and i bookarked them *chcks bookmarks again

Posted: 29 Dec 2006, 10:54 PM
yay disney land :D

Actually, Walt Disney World... different place. DisneyLand is in California, and is a much smaller park. :)

-- BK

Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 08:28 AM

tahts in paris no?

Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 09:49 PM
tahts in paris no?

Walt Disney World: Orlando, Florida, USA DisneyLand: California, USA EuroDisney: Paris, I think. Disney Tokyo: Japan.

-- BK

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 03:41 AM

:Six Lego Train items:

They still make those? I always wanted one when I was a kid, as well as whole Lego city set too! XD Alas... I gave up when I realized that I simply had no room or place to put completed Lego sets... :(

:And I know how it is spoiling one's other half, Red. My big gift this year was one I :gave my husband, an R/C airplane. At least without snow it let him play with it as :soon as he got it. Quite coincidentally, my dad got him an R/C flight simulator for :the computer. It's too advanced for either of our systems, but the remote works :with freeware sims he's downloaded. Incidentally, we're probably not going to :upgrade much beyond the durable trainer plane I got him. Not all planes crash as :nicely.

Heh. That sounds awesome! ^^ I've always been curious about those things but I'm pretty sure I'd break it as soon as I took off... ^^;;;;;;;; Now, if I could strap a camera to it and a TV receiver to the remote to so I could pilot it more naturally... ;)


I can't remember the last time I even WENT to Orlando, much less Disney... ^^;;;;; Too little money to go and no time... :\ Even though I loathe all things Disney, I've been wanting to go back for a couple years now... Especially Epcot. Need to raid the Tokyo store now that my local anime shop has FAILED me... Speaking of which, DID you go to Epcot and if so, did you ride the Mars ride that killed some people a while back? Is it any good? ;)

:How To Survive A Robot Uprising: Tips On Defending Yourself Against The :Coming Rebellion

Oh, that's silly... You have nothing to fear from machines... Besides... Resistance is... Futile... >:)

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 12:00 PM
: Disney I can't remember the last time I even WENT to Orlando, much less Disney... ^^;;;;; Too little money to go and no time... :\ Even though I loathe all things Disney, I've been wanting to go back for a couple years now... Especially Epcot. Need to raid the Tokyo store now that my local anime shop has FAILED me... Speaking of which, DID you go to Epcot and if so, did you ride the Mars ride that killed some people a while back? Is it any good? ;)

Went to all four parks in Walt Disney World. Unfortunately, I was the only person in my family who was interested in going to ride Mission: Space, so, no, I didn't get to ride it.

For what it is worth, the ride hasn't killed anyone. Two people have died riding it, but that was because they both had undiagnosed heart issues. One was a woman in her 30s, the other was a 9ish year old boy. The ride has been extensively inspected (both on routine maintenance schedules, and immediately after both deaths) and it's well with in health regulations, and in perfect working order. :P

-- BK

Posted: 01 Jan 2007, 06:18 PM
Quoth migucast: :Six Lego Train items: They still make those? I always wanted one when I was a kid, as well as whole Lego city set too! XD Alas... I gave up when I realized that I simply had no room or place to put completed Lego sets... :(

Most certainly they do. Trains are one of Lego's most popular products. Their Lego Factory) website has a free downloadable program with which you can create your own custom sets, including trains. People can also post their Lego Factory models so that others can purchase them. In addition to the Holiday Train Set, I've already got a Santa Fe Super Chief locomotive, four of the five cars which go with it, a Burlington Northern Santa Fe GP-38 locomotive, a TTX double flatcar, a My Own Train passenger car, a My Own Train caboose, and a small number of tracks. (None from Lego Factory, however.) Yes, I know. It is a puny train collection. :P

Posted: 02 Jan 2007, 12:03 AM

:Most certainly they do. Trains are one of Lego's most popular products. Their :Lego Factory) website has a free downloadable program with which you can :create your own custom sets, including trains. People can also post their Lego :Factory models so that others can purchase them.

Woah! Neat! Almost makes me wish I could play with Legos again... ;_; I swear... One day, I'll have a room in my expressly for the PURPOSE of Legos!

:In addition to the Holiday Train Set, I've already got a Santa Fe Super Chief :locomotive, four of the five cars which go with it, a Burlington Northern Santa Fe :GP-38 locomotive, a TTX double flatcar, a My Own Train passenger car, a My Own :Train caboose, and a small number of tracks. (None from Lego Factory, however.) :Yes, I know. It is a puny train collection.

Well, it's more than I ever had growing up. XD I think I only had one train and I never got it to work right... ^^;;;;;;; Still, that's awesome! I should add trains to the list of things I wanna make or have with legos one of these days! ;)

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