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Side 7 Update, and Request For Input - Started by: BadKarma
Side 7 Update, and Request For Input
Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 09:39 PM

Hey all,

It's not typical that I inject personal updates into Side 7's newsletter, however, in this case, it's very relevant. The promised updates have, obviously, not been delivered. There's a very good reason for that. My daughter was born 10 weeks early (born 02 February 2009, but was due 13 April 2009). She spent the next 81 days in NICU, and finally was allowed to come home yesterday evening. We've been spending a lot of time at the hospital (which is about 1 hour away from where we live), while trying to take care of our 6 year old son and our home. Add to that, that I was laid off from work a few weeks ago, and you've got quite the barrel of stress.

Now that my daughter is home (finally), and we can settle into a realistic home life schedule, I'm able to return to projects that need attention (Side 7 being a major one). v4.0.1 is back on the front burner, to be released very soon. v4.1 is to come after that.

Here, though, is the problem at hand: Side 7 is not bringing in any money. With the economy the way it is, it is understandable that folks don't have the available funds to upgrade to a 5 Star account and help the site out financially. Unfortunately, with the loss of my job, I am quickly running out of funds myself, as all of Side 7's costs come out of my pocket. As a result, I've been reviewing my options for supplementing site income. I'm considering adding banner ads to the site (through Project Wonderful). We've always stated that we took pride in never having annoying banner ads on the site, but we also never anticipated being in this position. The current thought is that users who aren't logged in, or who do not have a 3 or 5 Star account upgrade, will have banner ads on every page. Those who are logged in and have a 3 or 5 Star account will never receive banner ads.

As always, your input is welcome. Please voice your opinions, comments, suggestions, and questions.

-- BK

Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 10:19 PM

Gotta admit, I'm not looking forward to ads, but I understand maintaining this site is much more important than just a wee annoyance.

I hope you get things worked out! Whatever you choose to do, I know you'll have support. :) Definitely from me at least.

Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 10:27 PM

I think you should definitely do it, if it looks like the best way to bring in some funds. :)

Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 10:54 PM

If you have to put ads I understand. I'm not a fan of ads myself but in a situations like this, I totally am all for the ads. Project Wonderful ads are really not too annoying. I wish I enough money to support you guys. I love this community so much.

I'm sorry that you lost your job. That's sad. ;_:

Congratulations about your daughter being born and I'm happy that's she able to come home now! That's great news! :D

Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 11:13 PM

Well we do what we must to keep our dreams alive. Little banner ads aren't bad. It can't be as bad as the big splash pages of ads other sites. :)

Posted: 24 Apr 2009, 11:15 PM

I'm in favor of it. This is a good service and is worth supporting, and those of us who can't do it with our wallets can at least do it with our eyeballs.

Posted: 25 Apr 2009, 05:21 AM

Ads are annoying, I would hate to see them on the site. But again, I have to remember that you started this site on your own will, and you are paying for it outof your own money. So, whatever you decide Ill support it, since it mmakes sense

Posted: 25 Apr 2009, 08:52 AM

It's easy for me to support the decision, having a 5-star account. But even if I were subjected to ads, I wouldn't mind. They're pretty much on every other website in existence and though I respect and admire your pride in not using them this far, I've gotten to the point of just tuning them out most of the time. It certainly isn't an unreasonable request.

Posted: 25 Apr 2009, 09:30 AM

I support the ad decision, since I can't afford to donate any money (and already have a 5 star account). Even if there were ads on the 5 star account I wouldn't mind, as long as they're not pop-up.

Posted: 25 Apr 2009, 10:58 AM

I wouldn't mind ads in the least. You have my support as well.

Congratulations on the new baby!

Posted: 25 Apr 2009, 06:58 PM

I say go for it. = )

I've been using Project Wonderful for a bit now on my own site. I think it's a great service and hasn't dropped a bad ad yet. They have some good size options, too. It helps when it comes to having to drop ads onto a site without wrecking your whole layout.

Also, congrats on the baby girl! = )

Posted: 26 Apr 2009, 01:31 AM

I support this idea. I say go for it. :D

Posted: 26 Apr 2009, 04:26 AM

I have no complaints. Better to ad than to subtract.

Posted: 26 Apr 2009, 01:09 PM

Well, since we've received almost 100% support for this decision, we've implemented Project Wonderful ads.

Thank you all.

-- BK

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 01:57 AM

They look great. :) Nice location and size.

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 10:52 PM
Well, since we've received almost 100% support for this decision, we've implemented Project Wonderful ads. Thank you all. -- BK

"Almost"?? Okay, who's the holdout?

Seriously, with everything that's been put upon you (and taken away too, for that matter) unobstrusive ads are something you have more than adequate justification for having on the site. Hug your new daughter for me :)

Posted: 29 Apr 2009, 02:44 AM

Having the qualifications as you stated, where logged in members will see no ads seems fine, if it gets you needed revenue, and perhaps it will even encourage more membership.

Posted: 29 Apr 2009, 12:16 PM

The ads are totally non-obtrusive. I won't even Block them, just for you. ^^

Here's an idea for raising funds: Let's get some new merch for the site! I personally have always wanted a Side7 T-shirt, but the ones that have been available so far have been kind of dated and, well, lame-looking. Maybe open up the Store with new stuff featuring some new art and the new logo? A design contest, perhaps?

Posted: 29 Apr 2009, 12:27 PM
The ads are totally non-obtrusive. I won't even Block them, just for you. ^^ Here's an idea for raising funds: Let's get some new merch for the site! I personally have always wanted a Side7 T-shirt, but the ones that have been available so far have been kind of dated and, well, lame-looking. Maybe open up the Store with new stuff featuring some new art and the new logo? A design contest, perhaps?

Already being worked on. I actually have a new shirt design featuring Oni (our site mascot, who will be made more visible). We just need to get the funds to have them made (e.g., no more CafePress-styled shirts).

There are definitely plans for a Side 7 T-Shirt Design contest. I'd like to bring back the annual contest. In the past, we've had the annual contest, and gave away art supplies like PrismaColor pencil sets and such for designs.

We'll get there.

-- BK

Posted: 29 Apr 2009, 12:45 PM
I say go for it. = ) I've been using Project Wonderful for a bit now on my own site. I think it's a great service and hasn't dropped a bad ad yet. They have some good size options, too. It helps when it comes to having to drop ads onto a site without wrecking your whole layout. Also, congrats on the baby girl! = )

I would like to say thank you for bidding and advertising on Side 7. That really means a lot to me.

-- BK

Posted: 29 Apr 2009, 04:19 PM

Though I don't have the funds to show a good amount of financial love right now, Side 7 truely holds a place in my heart. Plus, I know the feeling of tight pockets all too well. Shoot, S7 is where I got my start. Folks here gave me a bit of much needed confidence to keep working on my art and get as far as I have. I'll do what I can with what I got to help you out.

Also... I still have the shirt I won from one of the old design contests. It has a piece that, though done in High School, is still one of my favorites. That alone means I'm with you guys for the long run. = )

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