Hey all,
It's not typical that I inject personal updates into Side 7's newsletter, however, in this case, it's very relevant. The promised updates have, obviously, not been delivered. There's a very good reason for that. My daughter was born 10 weeks early (born 02 February 2009, but was due 13 April 2009). She spent the next 81 days in NICU, and finally was allowed to come home yesterday evening. We've been spending a lot of time at the hospital (which is about 1 hour away from where we live), while trying to take care of our 6 year old son and our home. Add to that, that I was laid off from work a few weeks ago, and you've got quite the barrel of stress.
Now that my daughter is home (finally), and we can settle into a realistic home life schedule, I'm able to return to projects that need attention (Side 7 being a major one). v4.0.1 is back on the front burner, to be released very soon. v4.1 is to come after that.
Here, though, is the problem at hand: Side 7 is not bringing in any money. With the economy the way it is, it is understandable that folks don't have the available funds to upgrade to a 5 Star account and help the site out financially. Unfortunately, with the loss of my job, I am quickly running out of funds myself, as all of Side 7's costs come out of my pocket. As a result, I've been reviewing my options for supplementing site income. I'm considering adding banner ads to the site (through Project Wonderful). We've always stated that we took pride in never having annoying banner ads on the site, but we also never anticipated being in this position. The current thought is that users who aren't logged in, or who do not have a 3 or 5 Star account upgrade, will have banner ads on every page. Those who are logged in and have a 3 or 5 Star account will never receive banner ads.
As always, your input is welcome. Please voice your opinions, comments, suggestions, and questions.
-- BK