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Hello I am a student of plastic arts - Started by: TalithaKumi
Hello I am a student of plastic arts
Posted: 09 Sep 2010, 01:01 AM

Hello I am a student of plastic arts and comes here seeing that new sites it would have to raise my things, bad that single I have 2 weeks even to do it but I hope that in this time they enjoy my works are from leisure things to things that I do during the classes that I have in my university race, also if see that this horrible my English is because I really speak Spanish XD so a sincere excuse first of all and hope to be able to take to me with all in this place well just a short time that this here.

Of my tastes then leave to say that I like much the sleeve , animate and to coverall the digital art and I have very good works to them that I hope to possibly raise them if it does not give time to raise them here me I leave my direction them of my DA in case they want to see more of my work, clear is old but also I want that they see like ah be my process so that they see like eh arrived to where I am.

Of the series that but I like they are: Megaman all its sagas, I also like Yugi oh, all the giant series of robots like mazinger Z, oh that if I am fan of Hello Kitty of heart as I am it of Megaman, umm I believe that I do not have more to say more than they comment in my works and that they enjoy them.

español Hola soy una estudiante de artes plásticas y viene acá viendo que nuevos sitios habría para subir mis cosas, malo que solo tengo 2 semanas par hacerlo pero espero que en este tiempo disfruten de mis trabajos son desde cosas de ocio hasta cosas que hago durante las clases que tengo en mi carrera universitaria, también si ven que esta horrible mi ingles es porque realmente hablo español XD así que una sincera disculpa ante todo y espero poder llevarme bien con todos en este lugar el poco tiempo que este acá. De mis gustos pues déjenme decirles que me gusta mucho el manga, anime y sobretodo el arte digital y tengo unos muy buenos trabajos que espero subirlos eventualmente si no me da tiempo de subirlos acá les dejo mi dirección de mi DA por si quieren ver más de mi trabajo, claro es viejo pero también quiero que vean como ah sido mi proceso para que vean como eh llegado hasta donde estoy. De las series que mas me gustan son: Megaman todas sus sagas, me gusta también Yugi oh, todas las series de robots gigantes como mazinger Z, oh eso si soy fan de Hello Kitty de corazón como lo soy de Megaman, umm creo que no tengo más que decir más que comenten en mis trabajos y que los disfruten.

Posted: 09 Sep 2010, 12:06 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 09 Sep 2010, 12:10 PM.

hey there emmm whats plastic arts btw? welcome aboard *gives you a plastic peanutbutter cookie

Posted: 10 Sep 2010, 02:06 AM

lol Good I will put it easier I am studying to be Artist, if you already know of whom create paintings make sculpture have exhibitions sell its good work and thanks for the cake although it is of plastic XD although what desire is that they comment of the things that I do dates a return by my gallery and thanks.

Posted: 10 Sep 2010, 11:05 PM

Welcome to Side 7! It's always interesting seeing artists who work in different media.

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 05:36 PM

Welcome to Side 7. I'm BK, the head admin, programmer and owner of the site. Nice to meet you. Let me know if you need anything.

-- BK

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