dA's admins fsck up and are jerks, once again. Genderqueer Deviant has their identity insulted and is given the runaround by unhelpful "support" staff. And on Spirit Day, no less!
I think their assumption that they were forced to choose Male or Female in their profile because it lets dA target their ads is probably true, being a student of marketing myself, and subject to NO REALLY YOU WANT TO HAVE BABIES AND MEET LESBIAN SINGLES ads on Facebook all the time. It also probably has something to do with the pronoun usage on dA gallery and profile pages, which they also mentioned; that's probably the "design" issue the support people were talking about. But really, is it that hard to at least make up some gender-neutral options? Learn from elsewhere on the intarwubs, from sites that know how to be sensitive about these things.
It's BS like this that compelled me to move my art here in the first place. e_e If dA ever learns to treat its members like people, maybe I'll be active on there again. But that's looking to be an increasingly bigger "if".
...Hey BK, any chance we could get an "Other" option in the Gender menu on our profile settings? Just, y'know, "Unspecified" might not cut it for everybody.