:Have you thought about trying something new with the comic art, beit a new style
:or characters or something? Sometimes, when you hit a block, the best thing to
:do is try something completely different.
Something completely different... Hmmmmmm... FULL FRONTAL NUDITY!!!! XD No, wait. We did that already once. Dang. Joking aside, though... Hmmmmm... I'm not sure what I could do different than what I've been doing... But it's certainly worth some thought...
:Have the entire comic acted out by cats
I think there's already a gaming comic like that.
:or talking shoes or something. Experiment with a different way of portraying what
:you're trying to say. Just a thought.
Hmmmmm... A different way... Hmmmm....
Neat! Ship to ship battles, you say? Hee hee hee! I like the planet wallpaper best. How did you do the atmosphere on it?
Aren't I just? ^^
:My point was that just being "DIFFERENT" isn't the same as being clever and
Whoever said it was the same? Well, even as I was writing my original post, I did seem like what I said could've been misconstrued (sp?) in a negative way which is exactly why I included the disclaimer sentence: "I can't promise that it'll be completely unlike anything you've ever read... " I didn't mean to say that it would rival everything else that came before, indeed, it's far more likely to rival them in sucking, rather than greatness. It's just hard to specify what I mean any more precisely without giving away the big secret.
:but doing that doesn't have to involve removing oneself from everything that's
:ever been done before
Oh, believe ME, it's heavily steeped in everything that came before. It's kinda hard not to. To quote semi-quote you, it's quite "cookie cutter" in its own right, but that "cookie cutter"ness lands outside the spectrum of everyone else's "cookie cutter"ness. However, there IS a specific difference in what I'm doing. In fact, it's a very small difference, or rather, truthfully, that's what it may look like to everyone else... But to me... That difference is the whole genesis of the project. As I said... It's really difficult to put it in words without completely giving it up. ^^;;;;
:(I mean, unless a person lives in a cave and has never come into contact with the
:rest of humanity how can anyone avoid influence?)
Precisely. Everything is built upon the foundations of what came before. Rare is the person that can truly cast away past influences to create something truly unique and revolutionary. And, I'm pretty sure, I won't be that kind of person. I just want to... No. I can't say that either... Sorry.
:That was a conversation about trends in genre anyway ~_^ so by the fact that
:you're doing something DIFFERENT with a MANGA project you're sort of proving
:my point. You can do interesting things within genres that get used a lot.
Uh... You're welcome...? ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;