Show me your favourite military uniforms.
This is a time for pageantry!
Show me your favourite military uniforms.
This is a time for pageantry!
Okie dokie then:
Such blatant camouflage? A ghillie suit?
Hoil goil.
A fantastic military unform. The Mongols were an amazing military Empire.
Sone may say they are the epitome of culture and civilization.
Okay, all joking aside...
Aren't those the people the queen/king hires to stand on guard and look frozen in place?
Funny story about that, I encountered one once expecting that but they couldn't keep a straight face because I was singing the minstrel songs from Assassin's Creed. You'd think he laughed until he peed, it entirely ruined the symmetry/formation.
Yeah, they are. As a kid, I dreamed of trying to break their stance.