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What objections to timekeeping have you ever had? - Started by: chaseawaythedark
What objections to timekeeping have you ever had?
Posted: 31 Dec 2023, 03:09 PM

Not as unusual a question as you might think at first. For people who follow the Gregorian calendar, New Year's Day is tomorrow, or right now if you live on or near the International Date Line. I myself have always thought of the "normal" way of timekeeping to be messy, with uneven numerical systems for things like hours, day amounts, and time measurements. I have long reflected on this and have made it a resolution to enforce my realized way of timekeeping due to how "not better" it has become. At the same time, I know other people may have had parallel ideas, and this is the best day to talk about these. If you had to modify one thing but only one thing about how we utilize time, what would that modification be?

RE: What objections to timekeeping have you ever had?
Posted: 02 Jan 2024, 06:12 PM

Abolish DST. It serves no practical purpose except to confound our circadian rhythm, the switch is demonstrably lethal at both ends, and it was never even a global standard.

If we want more hours in the day, maybe we oughta mold work to fit the sun rather than the reverse.

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