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Crossings - Started by: Cynicallia
Posted: 23 Apr 2024, 09:21 PM

General thread for cool, scary, strange, or otherwise interesting, memorable encounters you've had and want to talk about. They can be recent or ancient, with celebrities or wildlife, or even an unplanned, coincidental, in-person meeting with one of your online friends.

I've met some very cool people in my life. Some have gone on to become famous. The thing that's really been on my mind, though, was a chance crossing of paths with an Eastern bluebird. They're so rare in my area these days. While I was walking through a local park this Easter, one zipped from the brambles to my right, barely a foot away from my face, to hunt for grubs in the soccer field to my left. Before my eyes could lock onto it again, I already knew what it was. That shade of blue is incredible; there's no mistaking it.

I struggled to get a couple of photos, but none worth keeping. It was just so fast, and would take flight again whenever I had it in sight. Still, I'm happy to have the memory of watching that tiny jewel hop and swoop so close to me for ten minutes. Way cooler than the time I met— ah, nevermind that old noise. How about you?

RE: Crossings
Posted: 12 May 2024, 08:15 AM

when it comes to celebrities I came across IRL, one of them was Adrian Pasdar(which I remember him more as Nathan Petrelli from Heroes and less as General Talbot from Agent of Shield) in Indonesia Comic Con 2018 where I got his Autography

RE: Crossings
Posted: 13 May 2024, 07:45 AM

I might have a few examples, though I must know, how famous is famous?

RE: Crossings
Posted: 13 May 2024, 10:37 AM

If that one's aimed my way, I've got to be a little bit cagey due to the odd way that my friendship with said famous peeps ended. Things between us deteriorated due to my own real-life problems, and it's too sensitive to lay it all out in the open. I've been asked if I ever heard of them, and I actually felt bad saying, "Yeah, that person on your T-shirt was my best friend in highschool, lulz" because it requires me to elaborate on things that I still have nightmares about.

RE: Crossings
Posted: 13 May 2024, 05:10 PM

Dunno, but I'm in Ricky Berwick's server and he added me as a friendo on Discord and made me an OG, does that count?

RE: Crossings
Posted: 13 May 2024, 08:53 PM

I dunno, OP was talking about a bird eating bugs. Something as cool as that is going to be kinda hard to compete with. (Kidding, of course. Everything counts.)

RE: Crossings
Posted: 13 May 2024, 09:30 PM
If that one's aimed my way, I've got to be a little bit cagey due to the odd way that my friendship with said famous peeps ended. Things between us deteriorated due to my own real-life problems, and it's too sensitive to lay it all out in the open. I've been asked if I ever heard of them, and I actually felt bad saying, "Yeah, that person on your T-shirt was my best friend in highschool, lulz" because it requires me to elaborate on things that I still have nightmares about.

What I mean is, supposed you encountered someone who is famous only in a certain way. Like maybe they're famous only in a certain nation or community, or they're related to someone famous, or they're known universally but to a lesser extent, etc. I have an idol most people haven't heard of but who is famous in the anime world, I met her and am privileged enough to be in all her inner circles. Or I myself might count as second-tier famous since I hold a world record. Was wondering where "famous" begins and "obscure" ends.

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