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Virtual Machines(where you can install another OS into your PC without resorting to Dual Boot) - Started by: Masonicon
Virtual Machines(where you can install another OS into your PC without resorting to Dual Boot)
Posted: 25 May 2024, 01:38 AM

what do you think about Virtual Machines?

personally, I use Virtual Machines to revisit older Microsoft Windows(3.11 in Dosbox-X, 9x in 86box or PCem(as both VMware and VirtualBox aren't particularly suitable for installing Windows 9X for it's guestOS) and XP in both VMware and VirtualBox, to play older PC games) as well to at least try assorted Linux Distros(in VirtualBox) outside Steam Deck

RE: Virtual Machines(where you can install another OS into your PC without resorting to Dual Boot)
Posted: 25 May 2024, 02:12 AM

I've used them quite a lot for many different purposes. They have their uses.

-- BK

RE: Virtual Machines(where you can install another OS into your PC without resorting to Dual Boot)
Posted: 25 May 2024, 11:20 AM

The number one use for them, along with virtual private networks, is bypassing detection. Considering I am more honest than that, that eliminates my desire for them, since I'm not dissatisfied with whatever version of whatever operating system I use as long as it's not buggy. The only exception at the moment is if I want to change the mode of operations for screen capturing.

RE: Virtual Machines(where you can install another OS into your PC without resorting to Dual Boot)
Posted: 25 May 2024, 10:21 PM
The number one use for them, along with virtual private networks, is bypassing detection.

I would disagree with you there. I have used VMs for running Linux virtual machines for development and projects. At work, we use virtual machines all the time to quickly stand up servers. We use VPNs to accommodate work-from-home and other remote employees to give them access to internal systems and services from where they are. This has been the case, in my experience, for the vast majority of use cases I've seen for VMs over the past 10-15 years.

In fact, Side 7 runs on a VM, as does the vast majority of cloud computing and services.

RE: Virtual Machines(where you can install another OS into your PC without resorting to Dual Boot)
Posted: 30 Jun 2024, 05:28 PM

Virtual machines sound cool, I've been thinking of using one to boot up a Linux distribution of my choosing, there's a bunch of interesting ones.

RE: Virtual Machines(where you can install another OS into your PC without resorting to Dual Boot)
Posted: 30 Jun 2024, 08:52 PM

i have a windows xp 1 that i use 2 mess around with paint and movie maker pretty much, id like 2 make more at some point maybe, but it seems like a lot of effort 4 something i wont use very much anyways, sticking with just the 1 4 now

with internet archive's horrifyingly slow speeds, and the fact downloading the iso usualy takes a few attempts from silly interruptions, its 2 long and annoying 4 my impatient ass (although i wanna make 1 with windows 7 because i miss using it, maybe 1 day when i have a horrifying amount of free time)

RE: Virtual Machines(where you can install another OS into your PC without resorting to Dual Boot)
Posted: 01 Jul 2024, 03:58 AM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 01 Jul 2024, 04:00 AM.

I tried installing Windows 3.11 in 86box once until I gives up it, in favor of using DOSbox-X for Windows 3.11 GuestOS in both my Windows 10 Desktop and my Steam Deck

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