@Dionysus || Journal Entry

Adventures in Popufur #25
11 Jul 2024, 04:20 AM

You think you've found a kindred spirit, so you give 'em a fave and a complimentary comment. Log in the next day and you've been blocked without notice. Seems like counterproductive PR for a freelancer, but I'm not a professional.

That tagline wasn't lying. :/

Comments (6)

Posted: Thursday, 11 July, 2024 @ 09:06 PM

My condolences: as someone who's been phantom blocked by people I've never even interacted with, I know the frustration all too well. The key is not to take it personally: if you haven't done anything demonstrably objectionable, you can pretty safely assume it's a "them" problem. (Lord knows I've seen some characters.) I'm of the old school that assumes blocking is the last resort after good faith dialogue fails, and I still struggle to come to grips with social media's anti-social tendencies.

Posted: Friday, 12 July, 2024 @ 05:52 AM

@Thorvald: Thanks. As I describe below I'm not a stranger to big egos, but the slap still stings. I always try to get a vibe on someone before weighing in, the trouble was there were almost no clues so I was wagering blind. A losing bet, it turned out. :x

Posted: Thursday, 11 July, 2024 @ 09:48 AM

I know that feeling :/ 

Posted: Thursday, 11 July, 2024 @ 09:59 AM

@marven4lyf: I get it, people can block for whatever reason. It just feels like crap when you think you could have gotten along with them but misjudged. I'm careful about who I interact with for this kinda reason, so oops my bad for daring to comment on the wrong page.

Posted: Friday, 12 July, 2024 @ 05:46 AM

@marven4lyf: My nastiest shock came after finding Imanika on DeviantArt, whose work I'd followed through other sites. In a case of nervous excitement I overshot the introduction but she seemed to take it in stride and for a few weeks things went fine... then one day I made the mistake of pointing out a glaring goof in a drawing, and next thing I know her notifications stack is blacked out and several recent comments are deleted. Apparently she has a PR manager with access to her accounts who's a bit too proactive in protecting the brand. 😬

But yeah, I've spectated enough prima donnas to know there are some people you just don't even try to engage. I can understand the anxiety expressed in this thread. What I don't get is when people who are supposedly trying to attract commissions go out of their way to attack their audience. Probably my worst don't-meet-your-heroes moment was learning one artist who does these gorgeous animal paintings was on DA... and the journals were almost nothing but guilt-tripping their followers into purchases.

Posted: Friday, 12 July, 2024 @ 10:15 PM

@Dionysus: Oh man that sucks, and I get that thread too. It's weird how people are sometimes. 

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