@Masonicon || Journal Entry
Zakaria Shalih

(Updated) my future plans
02 Jul 2024, 01:14 AM

It's been halfway through 2024, so here's my Future plans so far:

  • salvage my deviations outside fill-in memes into bunch of art platforms including this very one, where more controversial ones(or at least those that are too controversial for this platform) will be Artpacious exclusive(if Artspacious comes out this year)
  • working on Ani-toonspiracy project
  • and finish drawing 29 of my faves in Studio Ghibli style
  • plus, pretty much anything I posted online will also have Artspacious mirrors, unless fill-in memes using pre-existing pics
  • Not to mention mock-up of GURPS-based TTRPG about Ani-Toonspiracy(inspired by Kingdom Hearts tabletop game)

Comments (1)

Posted: Tuesday, 02 July, 2024 @ 07:54 PM

I admire your commitment to ArtSpacious, but until I see at least a basic mockup, I've resigned to the probability that it's vaporware. HAV - H.G. Wells 3

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