@N0-11 || Journal Entry
Nihilina Gloomee

I noticed that Artfol is done rn
08 Jun 2024, 08:51 PM

I hope it's not my iPad messing with me again, or they're updating their site for maintenance reasons, I keep getting a 502 whenever I load the site, it better not be soulless ai-bros behind this, but I hope that isn't the case though.

Comments (2)

Posted: Saturday, 08 June, 2024 @ 09:30 PM

Yeh ages back I had trouble with it.

So I don't think it's a new thing, I think it's just that the maintenance of the site has degenerated even further since.

Shame, I followed a couple of artists who were awesome and would have liked to bring over here.


Posted: Sunday, 09 June, 2024 @ 01:03 AM

@The-Wizard-of-Zaar: Ikr, I've followed some artists that have nice art on there too, hopefully Artfol will fix their issues whenever they can tbh.

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