@NosaneTryhard || Journal Entry
Nosane Tryhard

25 Jul 2024, 05:58 PM

I just gave up on reading Blood Meridian mid Chapter 4 even tho nothing messed up happened yet...

I mean, just recently I watched this disturbing books iceberg video(I need to stop doing that) and youtube started to recoment me these Blood Meridian/judge Holden memes and youtubers who recomend this book without much context like: "If you like a violent westerns then this book is for you."

I do like westerns and don't mind violence and gore but that's the thing. Even as a gore/horror artist myself I have a extremely bad feeling that Blood Meridian contains something so messed up that I won't even search why is it so damn controversial why they refuse to make a movie adaptation of it.

Comments (3)

Posted: Friday, 26 July, 2024 @ 04:22 PM

Read the Wikipedia abstract and... yeah, "Great American Novel" or no, I can tell it's not one I can stomach. I haven't read any of his works but I know McCarthy by reputation, and even I'm a tad surprised he'd write what sounds like the literary equivalent of a splatterhouse film.

Besides, if I want to read about people murdering each other for no reason, I can just pick up a newspaper.

Posted: Friday, 26 July, 2024 @ 06:35 PM

@Thorvald: Ye, I can only imagine...

As if picking the book from the Iceberg was a good idea despite of what other youtubers say about it... Alongside the fact, Blood Meridian is far below The Boy in Stripped Pijama and I was unfortunate enough of being forced to sit and watch the entire thing...

Posted: Friday, 26 July, 2024 @ 09:21 PM

@NosaneTryhard: You know, for all the Hollywoodization of the Holocaust, I'm somewhat surprised nobody's adapted Maus. It has its own problems, but it's the only example I can think of where a fantasy spin isn't diluting the point.

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