@Pinka13 || Journal Entry

Made an AMV
20 Jul 2024, 05:35 AM

Finally finished my Viren AMV that I've had in my backlog forever. I never made an AMV before, but I liked how it turned out.


Comments (2)

Posted: Saturday, 20 July, 2024 @ 06:29 PM

This is waaaaay too slick for what's basically a glorified spitpost. XD If anything, the dirty cover adds to the mood.

I've never heard of The Dragon Prince and thought this was a RWBY-esque web production; I would not have guessed it was sponsored by Netflix. Apparently it's quite highly regarded so I'll have to give it a look!

Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2024 @ 10:41 PM

@Thorvald: Thank you!

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