@Reela_Dio || Profile
star seeker

@Reela_Dio (star seeker)
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It's been a while...
16 April, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
18 November, 1987
Reela_Dio turns 37 this year.
D'Jin, Unspecified
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  1. 2-0-0-4. New year for life to throw random things at us when we least expect them. I'll be a Junior...have I really wasted so much of my life already? @_@

Which of course would include this gallery!

Yup. I'm back for another year of Side7 and this time, I hope I can finally post something decent. Break out the non-alchoholic beverages, it's time to fiesta!

I'm 16 now ((or so they say...)) and yes, I'm not all that sweet although I do like sweets. My fingers have been stained with graphite since preschool ((Oh yes, those were interesting times those were. Nothing I did was good or anything, of course, but it just proves that one can also be born a psychotic freak)) and every passing day drives me further into the insanity dog-pile. Seriously, it's like...huge! I think the theory is that everyone's insane and if you're 'normal' then you're really 'abnormal'....or something like that.

Not that it's improved all that much-is it me, or does almost everyone who's artistic or athletic say that?- I write too, but I can't seem to get past page one. Darn that page one! Those poor figments in my head...they must be bored in there, waiting for a chance to escape. Either way, I could never do justice-in writing-to their personalities. Or rather, go to fictionpress.com look for 'azriel dimasio' and you be the judge to that

(Ha! Online Biography commercialism at it's best)

Poems pester me, I write them, they aren't any good and I carry on. They're like flies, those irritating clouds of insects you must walk through during the summer...Yes Ross! I'll join allpoetry.com, ok?!.....Someday......let it be known, I'm lazy too....

Anyway, You know you're really a writer when you've fallen in 'love' with five or more of your characters. Then again maybe that just means you've fallen in love with yourself....and If you love one of your figments enough to marry them, would you be marrying yourself then?

I'm open to art trades, etc. simply because I have TOO much free time to spare. Never ceases to amaze me that everyone I know seems to be running treadmills lately and I'm just sitting in the cage of society chewing on a pellet. Eh? Wow...that sounded waaay too anti-social there. I'm not that bad really ^^; (WARNING: is a procrastinatior!)

note Anyway, You're likely to find me in a therapy session for teenagers with low self esteem or hovering at the edge of a group; Moth to flame syndrome. Viva la loners!

I admire all of you on this site, because everytime I come on I have this irresistable urge to keel over. Yeah, come on, admit it, you have talent. ^-~

I love my family. Mom whom nags about homework being done -all the time. The weird festivity obsession I get whenever there's a holiday I can contribute to her too. ^^. Discovery channel oriented Dad (I love the science channel, discovery and history. Need to get one of those T-shirts ^^ Really...I do...). Annoying older sister (who occasionally can be called an ally)- ok, so she isn't that bad.... Arrogant, concieted, disoriented, and highly crazed dog ((whom my friend Marina -aka Raz here on side7- and I agree was most likely a cat in another life. I'm voting on cockroach as well since she manages to fit under a king-sized theraputic bed at 75 or so pounds. Seriously, the space between the mattress and the floor isn't even a foot in height. @@ Or is that too high?)). Wonderful friends. Yes Shidiraall_u_die and Raz, Wai Kwaaan, Lauren, Ross, Becky, Jill, Tiffany!, I owe you guys plenty thanks. Also to those compadres who aren't on this site and should be-I shall personally hunt you down and drag you on! Mwuahaha! Yup. That's....about all....hey, i'm not a very interesting person. Maybe a little but not a lot.

And to send you off, Hex would like to say:

"Nveithuang fwn werld!" (I rule the world.)

cough email cough cough

Have I annoyed you yet? ^_~ -The Swidish are spocking and they ran away with your honorable sugar while thus screaming 'Excuse men'.

.....Just don't ask.

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