El Thorvaldo Moderator

Bjørn Character Reference

Species: Human
Birthday: Classified
Age: Older than Thorvald?
Place of Birth: Norway
Orientation: Presumed straight
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

Thorvald of Lym's best friend and most trusted advisor, considered de facto second-in-command. Bjørn acts as the voice of sober second thought, corralling Thorvald's more reckless impulses, and has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of events, sometimes well beyond his expected experience. Despite his stoic demeanour he has a wry and sometimes savage wit.

  • Bjørn's early appearances show him considerably more sardonic toward Thorvald's antics, although later comics hint that his attitude hasn't changed, he's merely less vocal.
  • @GenMarshall's Gmod render depicts Bjørn as a huscarl from Pirates, Vikings and Knights II with a seagull on his helmet. The base model was the same used for Thorvald until his replacement with the Evil Archer from Age of Chivalry.

Thorvald's vision


Thorvald's actions

Family and Friends:

Thorvald of Lym
Childhood friend and liege.

Close colleagues and comrades-in-arms.