El Thorvaldo Moderator

Billy Bob the Great Character Reference

Species: Human
Age: 30-ish?
Place of Birth:
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

William Robert Willock III, better known as "Billy Bob the Great", is a character so old that I'd thought him up before I'd even figured out his name (which only emerged several years and school grades later). He served as something of a de facto main character in the nascent imaginary world that became the consolidated "pre-DYOS" universe, a globetrotting wizard stumbling upon emergent crises. Despite being one of the precious few characters older than Dr. Ivan, he was, incredibly, never really fleshed out, operating more as a mascot than a defined person, with only casual literary mentions and most of his original comics likely now lost. He may in fact be my most internally obscure recurring character, as I couldn't even find his written records for this.

  • He's actually made two cameos in DYOS (three with the standalone sketch), but while part of the same precursor universe as the other imports, his links to the immediate pre-DYOS cycle are so tenuous that I originally opted to exclude him, until I started dredging up the old archives.
  • His nationality was never established, but as part of the magitek "big tent" approach to the world's metaphysics, I had intentionally imagined him as North American as a subversion of fantasy stereotype. This means, quite possibly, that one of my very first named characters is in fact a Canuck.
  • I don't recall for certain but I believe he travelled with a grey wolf, either as a fortuitous companion or a formal familiar.