@XxTheCreativeKitsunexX || Journal Entry

My Musical Journey
28 Aug 2023, 03:38 AM

Today I turn the big 47 hard to believe I am gonna be an old fart when I don't feel or act like it. Anyways this is not that kinda story of how it started

My musical journey began back in 1986 when my mother got a Casio SK1 keyboard for Christmas of that year. This little beast had the ability to record sounds by pushing the sample button and then waiting for a electronic beep to sound then you could push a key and play that recording back. Needless to say I was only 10 years of age my music skills was relegated to making fart noises and laughing like a complete dumb bell while pushing the keys.

Many years later I moved up to a yamaha portable keyboard at the age of 17. I used to love the sound of the pipe organ so I would constantly use the organ sound which my mother said always sounded like funeral music. The strings were heavily synth low quality sounding so I almost never used it. Then at the age of 23 I got my FIRST Roland Synthesizer which my first real boss helped me get, I was working as at the local bakery washing dishes * a Job I completely hated but did anyways cause it was all that was available to me * making only 7.50CAD an hour. I spent many hours with that keyboard which I STILL to this day remember as the Roland U-20. Back then I was familiar with MIDI but the set up which consisted of a big box that hooked up to any Atari ST or IBM PC could play back sounds from any MIDI device was literally in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to own, was just out of my pay scale. I used to hound the living daylights out of a local music composer cause he had the most insane MIDI keyboard I had ever seen and it too was a Roland but was a high end model.

It wasn't until the magical year of November 26 1999 that I got a real taste of music production and it started my true journey as a music composer.

The MTV Music Generator released on PlayStation 1 and promised all sorts of amazing sounds and tools to make music at home with no PC and no expensive setup. I ordered and received my copy DAY ONE and from then on till the release of MTV Music Generator 2 I sat for HOURS composing my own music. Still to this day I own ALL my original tracks still on my PS1 memory cards. Maybe one day when I discover how to transfer the music to PC I will upload them as a piece of historical documentation of my musical journey.

Needless to say MTV Music Generator started my love affair with music but it was in 2008 that I got a REAL dose of music production on REAL professional software with Propellerhead's reason software. It was my manager at a store I worked at that got me a copy of the software and explained to me how the program worked and to my shock it was a MAJOR upgrade to the now Aged and limited MTV Music Generator 2.

From Reason software, I learned post production, notation and instrument combination and reverb, from there things just kept expanding and then came the day I decided I was going online with my work.

SheezyArt was the FIRST website to host my music works and even in its infantile state I was told my music showed a lot of promise. At this time I was HEAVILY into drawing and making art and that took up all my time and energy, music was just a side thing to do when I WASN'T drawing, cause I was into Anthro artwork a lot of my works went on to be fairly successful online but it never seemed to be catching on with regular people.

My first boss in the city I now reside in was the one to change my perception of what I wanted to focus my energy on. He had heard my music coming from my office one night as I was homeless and ended up living in the back of the studio I worked in and had a very small office which was just my desk my Pentium 3 16 gig PC my play station, games and my sleeping bag and pillow all stuffed under the desk with my legs sticking out. It had a door so I got privacy but in this case my music was being played a bit loud as I believed everyone had gone home for the weekend.

I was told flat out I should focus my entire time on my music as it had a future and drawing my "cartoons" as he called them would not yield any kind of future. I was at first insulted that my works of art were getting scrutinized for what they were and the fact that like my parents before, was looked down on and frowned on. I continued to keep drawing but also began to spend more time working on my music.

Fast forwards and I was introduced to Cubase by a well known Composer who was actually a bit deaf but had classical training and whose entire family was musicians of some sorts. Moogie was his name and he taught me how to use Cubase with basic instructions on how to load and play sounds back from kits called VSTs. I ended up working with Cubase and now...

47 years later I am still working with Cubase and my skill level has far surpassed anything I thought possible. From fart noises to diverse line of styles, sounds, themes and well established reputation of being the jack of all trades master of none when it came to music. Here we are in 2023 with my latest track inspired by Batman being touted by many friends and family members as well as fans as my most professional produced track of all time.

It just goes to show with the right motivation and the right direction, you can start from nothing into something truly spectacular. So let this be a story to start you all off, never give up your passion and always strive to move forwards no matter what may happen. Just be sure to love what you do and improve on what you know, the end result will be more then satisfying.

Thank you to ALL who have been with me on this musical journey which still continues to this very day. Thank you EVERYONE for supporting my works and encouraging me to continue to create and to share, you all are responsible for me loving what I do.

Here is 2024 and beyond!

If you managed to read all that and had the patience you have my utmost and deepest respect. You are AWESOME! Thanks for sticking through all that text.

-J.Delorey Sword Dancer Studio Canada LTD- XxTheCreativeKitsunexX

Comments (1)

Posted: Monday, 28 August, 2023 @ 05:29 PM

Apart from a brief foray into a music loop program, I've only worked with physical instruments—my life is full of woulda-coulda-shoulda and had I done piano for myself rather than because Mom felt a music teacher was obligated to teach her kids the same, I might've channeled it into proper composition, rather than just notational winks in the comics. :p I've crossed paths with digital keyboards (and could never get a proper feel having grown up on ivories), but never handled full synthesizers and hold admiration for those that do: writing music is crafting audible poetry, and my printed poetry is abysmal. :^)

my mother said always sounded like funeral music

More fool her. B^)

I was homeless and ended up living in the back of the studio I worked in and had a very small office which was just my desk my Pentium 3 16 gig PC my play station, games and my sleeping bag and pillow all stuffed under the desk with my legs sticking out.

Jegus. HAV - Kate Beaton 2 Though I'll admit, I can already imagine the sequence in the biopic. :B

drawing my "cartoons" as he called them would not yield any kind of future.

As much as we're told "follow your passion", what they really mean is follow your talent—and so the dilemma of doing what you love versus what gets you paid, and God help you if you train for the "wrong" one. I can't help thinking, if we finally got UBI there would be a whole lot more creatives in the world—and you might still be drawing in parallel.

As I said back at the start on a piece that may have since been scrubbed from the gallery ( D: ), you hooked me from the start; genre remixes are a dime a dozen, but emulation with originality is a rare gift indeed. Given YouTube's stewardship ever since the Google takeover I fault no-one for keeping clear (I don't have an account myself), but I can only imagine the audience you'd attract with a channel.

(I swear, I'll catch up by the end of the year!)


fart noises

I'm sorry, I have to. :^D

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