@lowpolycheese || Journal Entry

16 Jul 2024, 09:53 PM

Sooo my first entry huh? Im just gonna dedicate it to real life stuff and thoughts and things like that.

Entry 1

The more I spend some time alone with my thoughts the more I realize that I dont have much of a personality or at least a real personality. Most of my personality traits really derive from other people. The more I think about it the more I realized that most of the things I've done was from observing other people. I think the most common example I have is social skills. Im have terrible social skills. Most of the stuff I learned was from observing others talk and their mannerisms and stuff. But back to personality. I've done the whole copying traits from others thing so much that im not really sure what my real personality is like anymore. I guess I can try and go on some whole journey of self discovery to find out who I truly am... but nah honestly that's sounds like too much work. I'll leave that for my future self to figure out.

End of Entry 1

tldr: Me copy personality traits from others

yeah thats pretty much it. Apologies if theres any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Bye <3

Comments (2)

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 @ 12:04 AM

Dont worry too much about this, I think most people's personalities are made up of, or influenced by the people they admire or spend time with. I can name a few people who I am "ripping off" personlity wise. It's normal, and also easy to criticize yourself for it because you ARE you. No one else can read your thoughts. You are just recognizing who influences you and theres nothing wrong with that :) 

Posted: Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 @ 06:52 PM


Scruffy Second

There's an expression of the Nuu-chah-nulth of the Pacific Northwest: "Hishuk'ish tsawalk"—Everything is one. As they say, no-one is an island, and human sociability is all about receiving, interpreting, and reimagining cues from other people. Back in school I was such a military nut that I adopted parade posture without any actual training. They talk about becoming your parents, and come university I noticed I'd picked up a lot of my father's speech patterns without realizing it. Rather than counterfeiting, I consider this a natural process of adaptation and evolution: it's basically expected you'll absorb influences from your environment (language and accents being the most obvious). I've yet to meet anyone whose personality was fully-formed and immutable since childhood.

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