@marven4lyf || Journal Entry

21 Jul 2024, 01:44 PM

I'm going to make another comic where he is awful because I'm totally not obsessed with him in a weird hateful kinda way. 

It's always the damn unlikeable side characters with 5 minutes of screentime that I do this for. I'm not a genuine fan of him I promise. I am always praying on his downfall in my mind. I'm glad it was Gaara who got to personally send him back to hell where he belongs.

What is this called? If Gaara is my favorite character, then Rasa is my anti-favorite.


↑ He looks so handsome in this picture 

Comments (2)

Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2024 @ 08:18 PM


ooh, I'm nabbing that. XD

Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2024 @ 09:42 PM

@Thorvald: go for it xD 

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