@melis || Profile
Melissa S.

@melis (Melissa S.)
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It's been a while...
22 November, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
11 February, 1988
melis turned 36 this year.
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"Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity.. to seize anything you ever wanted.. one moment.. would you capture it? Or just let it slip?"

Oheyo, Minna-san!

Name: Messa
Age: 14
DOB: Feb. 11th
Handed: Left

Lesse, what about lil ol' me. Ive been drawing ever since I could streak crayon marks all over the walls o.o;. Before I knew what anime was, I was into all them disney people ;P. Especially The Lion King, because im an animal lover. Then I found out about anime at about 6th grade, then didnt start seriously drawing it till about middle of 7th grade. Now im 9th. You do the math.

Hmmm-de-dum, I listen to a big ol' range of music. From classical Beethoven, to heavy metal like Metallica. I listen to the in-between like Linkin Park, and Avril Lavigne. I listened to pop music a lot in middle school, but ive grown into the rock phase; Go System of a Down! X) HOO-RAH!

Uhm. brb I need to defrost my hand. 5 minutes later AHhhhh.. okay =D. Im BAAACKKk.

Lesse, I like drawing gothic stuff, the style is just so awesome. I tell ya, Jhonen style is the easiest gruesome style there is XD. ::waves to piper frantically while dodging knives in the process:: XD.

Forgive my drawing style, its very chibi-ish. I cant help draw cute things XD. Even my adults look chibi O_o. ITS THE CHEESE, I TELL YOU >_>.

Uh... I dont necessarily have a site, but I know html pretty good, especially cutting and pasting it to make it make sense :3. Sees nows, I do half own a site or 2 :D.

+ The Golden Dragon +

Id post the other, but I dont remember the URL o.o;.

Anywho, I think thats enough typing for today. I need to defrost my hand anyways. Toodle-oo's, PWEOPLE. XD

I am Neko, Messa is I, therefore Messa is Neko :3.

See ya all you happy people,

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