@ragukokarn || Profile

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17 May, 2024
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Welcome to the longest bio on side7! Probably.

I'll fix something nicer for this presentation later. 

Introverted nerd making weird art that very few enjoy. But that is just how I roll. 

I have a background (12+ years) in technical 2d illustration, print products layouts and that sort of stuff. Designing vector lineart with call outs and write text for user manuals.

Yeah. Super intresting stuff. Hardly what you call "art" so I don't claim to understand what this "art" thing really is. No, I will not post any of that here.


If you found me here, I am friendly and supportive but not very talkative. In the beginning. I have worked with large scale projects, leadership and planning for a long time.

Putting some of that experience to use, I hope.


What difference does it matter what you own? You have gold and silver in the divine.


Oh! And I actually used to make music too. So maybe there will be some of that here aswell. 

Tools I use for art : Photoshop - PaintToolSai - Cinema4d w/ redshift - Zbrush - Paintbrush in Windows 3.x (yeah boi!) -  Wacom Intous (?) drawing tablet

x 83

My passion for a particular art platform section ❤️


Latest Journal Entry
Third week
02 Jun 2024, 09:34 AM

Am I going to post a journal every week? Is that a tradition I invented?
Is this who I am?

Who puts the pimiento in the olives?

Why is the plural for goose geese but not meese for moose?

Why is a puzzle called jigsaw? How wet is water and how long is a rope?


I have around 20 more days at work before my 5 week vacation starts. I plan to go all in with creative works as much as I can. That is my hobby (you may have noticed) and being outside in the hot weather has never been a preference of mine. Not unless I have to. If I ever sit in the sun for more than a few minutes my skin turns into the color of spam. Then starts itching like hello dolly. I am not adapted to modern weather with my porcelain pale veneer. So - creative works in my murky basement it is then.
Obviously being social on the site aswell.
As some may have noticed, I like to do all kinds of stuff for art. 
Every new upload should be something new because I myself like variation. A little bit of that and a little bit of this. I intend on doing that even more intensely from 1st of July and onwards. Simply put.

In the short span of time I have been here, site has been updated twice with new features that I very much enjoy having.

We certainly got things going here and it will only get better!
Special shout out to @BadKarma for putting his heart and soul into making this for us all to enjoy. So many of us have YOU to thank for a proper home in these absurd online art times.

You are awesomely awesome. 🥂

There are more folks I like to shout out to but omg lol smh does this go on forever. Saving for next week (?)