Holiday greeting 2024!
Holiday greeting 2024! by @ragukokarn

I had to compress the jpg 1% to pass the 10 mb submission limitation. Resample through Lancoz 3 algorithm and recalculate vertical&horizontal chro.... oh... right. 

Let's not be so technical this time. How about something more cheerful instead!

Wether you celebrate Christmas or not, I wish you a merry holiday season. Be with your loved ones and celebrate in the way you want to regardless. I personally care very little about gifts, but I do enjoy the food plenty. Not much of a sweet tooth but I can squeeze a few sugary things down. Where I live it is usually cold and snowy in december so this is my way of experiencing the holidays. A few days off, good food and cozy settings - that is all I need!

Finished Work
9d19h ago
Other Work By @ragukokarn

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Saturday, 30 November, 2024 @ 03:20 PM

This is very cute and wonderful! I hope you have a very happy holiday season, as well!!

Posted: Saturday, 30 November, 2024 @ 11:10 PM
Rating: 5

I both love and hate that we've reached the point where all it takes is a picture of Taylor and a snek to make me giggle like an idiot. XD

I had to compress the jpg 1%

Literally unviewable, I can't believe you'd fall off so hard smh

Naw, this is so sweet (literally and metaphorically). (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ I sometimes forget that you've never actually posted the full source of your avatar, so it's about time we got some chocobunny representation in the gallery!

God Jul! We're entering the Final Month so let's see if I can actually get on top of things this season. ||||||:^{3>

P.S.: It took me way too long to figure out that's a drinking glass. :P

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