@rrrivverr || Journal Entry

i got an ipad, more digital art!!!!
17 Jun 2024, 06:35 AM

i FINALLY convinced my dad to reset his old ipad so that i can use it!!!

i just have to set everything up which im honestly super excited for i love doing that ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝

i hope being able to draw pen to screen will motivate me to draw more digitally and actually finish something instead of creating a trillion unfinished sketches, i can also finally draw in bed!!!!

the announcement of this years artfight themes also motivated me a ton, so rn im working on actually having a character for people to even draw. depending on if i finish that on time i might join this years artfight!!! woohoo!!! if i do join i am 1000% on team seafoam

Comments (1)

Posted: Monday, 17 June, 2024 @ 09:23 PM

Ah, I'd hoped to break into digital a few years back. The biggest time sink in my drawing is the corrections, and surgical erasure would drastically reduce the busywork (not to mention avoid wrecking the paper with constant revisions). Unfortunately the tablet I got was a plug-in peripheral rather than an on-screen display, and my hand-eye coordination is so poor I can barely sign my name with it. Maybe some day... Llama Emoji-10 (Shy) [V1]

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