Kaliko Rosa

Rose et Bleu, Mon Amie Favori!
Rose et Bleu, Mon Amie Favori! by @kalirosa (Kaliko Rosa)

Rose et Bleu, Mon Amie favori!

Type: CG (computer generated)

Program/Tools: Adobe Photoshop 5.5, Wacom Graphire 2 Tablet, Fineliner

Based on: Characters: Original pose, character design by myself and SanosukesGurl8. Background concept from "A School Life of Heaven" Shitajiki (pencil board)

Canvas: N/A

Date Created: September 10-13

Anime: N/A

Characters: Mori-chan, Kaliko Rosa

My Comments:

Molly-chan!!! ^^ It's me and you!! ^^ Well, okay, for those who don't know, Mori-chan is Molly's (SanosukeGurl8) character, and Kaliko Rosa is mine (surprise surprise... lol) and I've finally done a picture of them together!

I'm really happy with the pose, kinda came to me during school mostly, and OMG!! points Look mina-san! It's CEL-STYLE!!! Yes, VOLUNTARY CEL-STYLE. LOL. I almost never do cel style unless I have a good deal of reference, but this one was a toughie b/c I had to make the shading up, no easy task per se! I'm sure a LOT of you would have noticed the strong "Messa" influence in this pic, lol. Yes Messa-chan, your incredible cel-style has deeply contributed to this, especially those little circles! Damn, those things are addictive XD. I tried to get some originality in there by not cel-styling the hair though, I kept it gradated (how I usually do things) since I learned this really cool Adobe hair-sheen thing from this tutorial from an artist I met at Anime North (she's really good! Check out her work or view here tutorial at www.lorelai.com. If you liked Ice-Cap's stuff you'll like hers!) Thanks to Mu-chan also for her tips on cel-style... I think I'm just about getting the hang of it XD

Now that I'm familiar with this style, I can finally get started on my thank you picture to those who have drawn Kaliko, and to those I simply owe back a LOT to ^^:;;; But this one is for my best bud Molly-chan of course!! ^^ Because she's the greatest and coolest friend with such great art (SanosukeGurl8 people, GO VISIT!!! :-) and adorable envelopes XD ^^ I've always wanted to do this pic, and alas, tis done! ^^ Now I gotta go make more.. kuhuhuhu ^~

PS: As for those curious about the "thank you" pic, it'll be coming up soon.. ^^! Mori-chan's in it again! ^^

Peace. Love. Anime.

Kaliko Rosa


21y262d ago
Other Work By @kalirosa

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