Julie Ottosen

dangerous... by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Hehe.. I'm so obsessed w/ this were like look.. >.> but sometimes, when I like a look, I work with it for awhile. Especially, this look works with many of my characters, cuz they're still animal like, but also kinda anthro, but I don't have to worry about picking out clothes or what they might were... I can just keep them more animal like. So that's a benifit. hehe. So yeah.. ANYways... This is my lupe Matrix (MatrixDoom) and Diara (Diara_Lunai). They're not actually.. er.. like this.........yet..hehe.. but anyways... I like this piccy cuz um.. I just do. heh... but yeah.. um... yeah..

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

21y137d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (14)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 03 February, 2003 @ 09:34 PM

HUZZAH! I am the very FIRST to post on this...Anywhoo; Matrix looks great Jules. I'm working on Eurythmira's anthro look along with mah other ones (Zoi,Thrill,Mimi ect. )and I wuff the results!:3 The eyebrow percing is great. I love that also. But one question - How do you get the names for your characters? :)

Posted: Monday, 03 February, 2003 @ 10:03 PM

I bet it's cool. ^^; Thanx. Oh, and as far as the name goes.. Matrix was adopted, so I didn't make up his name.. just his look and his past. (read his page, but the story isn't finished) As far as Diara goes, she's not my lupess, so I didn't make her name up. XD

Posted: Monday, 03 February, 2003 @ 10:32 PM

Diara? i dunno... was making her then... well... uhh... I dunno, need a name and it was the first thing that came to mind... but anyway..... jumps up and down happily eeeehehehehehe Diara looks so pretty ^^ and... happy looks stunned and to think both hate the opposite gender... but still... like.. them? >.< ok, no brain work for me... but yes, hehehe I obviously LOVE it!!! hehehehe huggles Julie and stares at piccy only thing is I'd think Matrix would be a widdle more musularish.... but then... meh... hehhe he looks... yup ^^ studdly wink

Posted: Thursday, 06 February, 2003 @ 11:43 PM

Yeah.. interesting thinking about that eh? I gotta finish Matrix's story. XD Anyways... I see what you mean about his arm, I'm fixing that when it's colored, he'll be a little more.. er.. built. hehe. So yeah, anyways... um.. glad you likey Evey, I'm working on coloring it. XD

Posted: Tuesday, 04 February, 2003 @ 04:06 AM

This is awesome! Love the eyes... Anyways, I like to draw and paint and stuff. I was wondering, what did you outline this with? Also, you know your coloured pictures, well what do you colour them with?

Posted: Tuesday, 04 February, 2003 @ 07:43 AM

I'm just wondering around in a very depressed mood, things aren't going well for me...anyways, the pics astonishing, very beautiful! I always thought that Matrix was like, rock solid, that he doesn't like females and junk, but there's his soft side...-trudges off-

Posted: Tuesday, 04 February, 2003 @ 08:15 AM

Oh and Alexis, I think Oasis colors them using Adobe Photoshop if I'm not mistaken.

Posted: Tuesday, 04 February, 2003 @ 12:06 PM

ooo, sweet. inked it is? cool. i do that, scan them in, then... oo, no, no nono, shudn't have sed that. anyway, no touchy that guy, bite ya hand off... tee hee I've gone all deviant :) http://jet3270.deviantart.com i'd love your opinion Julie, if ur not busy... (not all art is there :O)

Posted: Tuesday, 04 February, 2003 @ 03:11 PM

hey, i is luvin this julie, nice amount of detail and matrix still carries that slightly evil look hehe, yeh, all of ur sketches r great, i just cant b bothered to comment on all of them, hey, im lazy, humour me. bib bottoms to nyone who is STILL thinkin bout goin on about julie and goldens work, its DIFFERENT sheesh

Posted: Wednesday, 05 February, 2003 @ 07:37 PM

Tiz very new. I tink itz interezting howz youz do your drawingz. :)

Posted: Wednesday, 05 February, 2003 @ 08:18 PM

AHHH!! much love this is so good!! I command you to color this!! COLOR I SAY whip crack XD j/k

Posted: Thursday, 06 February, 2003 @ 02:16 AM

LUV IT LUV IT LUV IT!!!!! I wish I were as good a drawrer as you! I could draw my lupe(Ilove them!!!!) His name is Cyote_Lang

Posted: Friday, 07 February, 2003 @ 05:27 PM

This pic is awsome! It reminds me of the comercial for thise jeans. When tthe two people are being chased by buffaloes and funally stand in front of them. The guys long fur around his neck looks kinda like the guy on the comercials dredlocks. And they just kinda look like they could resemble them. Great pic :)

Posted: Friday, 07 February, 2003 @ 06:59 PM

that is the stupidest lamest more idiotic commercial I have ever seen in my life. I'd rather not have my art compared to such a lame as, brain-dead pathetic advertisment such as that one is. Thanx for the comment non-the-less, but these two are nothing like that commercial and could not represent them in ANY way. (don't take this in the wrong way mind you... but that's just how I am... >>)

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